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CLoSe ThE WorLd/TxeN EhT nEpO

Welcome to my webpage!On this site you will find various snippets and
learn a little something about my personal tastes.
Most of what I will be discussing on this site is anime, music, magick and a variety of weird subjects. Four of my
favorite links are listed at the bottom of this page. Be sure to take a peek at them! The last link is my own my space page which also has small tidbits about me. The artwork I have here most comes from They have very good moving avatars. I have put there link on this page for you to go and check out some of their avatars. There's so much I'm doing right now so it might take a while for this page to be complete. I'm checking out different sites to learn about various scripts and computers, hammering away at myspace page, watching anime so that I can give my opinion.

I've been looking for this site that I found one time when I was googling about vampires. On this site the man claimed to actually know real vampires, not sanguine but real ones who aged slower and he said there were two living in New Jersey. I had it in my favoirtes on my old computer but when it went down I lost the site. If anyone knows this site and can let me know I would appreciate it.

As far as tv shows go, I'm only interested in two. One is Making The Band 3 because I watched the first ones with these girls and want to see how it ends. Though from time to time I do miss a few episodes. Every episode has some female sobbing boo hoo for whatever stupid reason. But, it makes for hilarious tv and probably does their ratings good as well.
The best show that I have seen and watch religiously is HEX on BBC America. This show has a storyline based on fact (Nephilim is mentioned in various religious bibles), a very cute leading man who plays a fallen angel, Azazeal and a female lead who just always seems to look pitiful Cassie. The show comes on Thursday nights and they usually have reruns every Sunday, so if you have the time you might want to check it out!!

As far as what music is hot there's alot to be said for various artists
in the anime industry.Yoko Kanno is, of course, the reigning queen.
Her music is always fresh and different from any music I have listened to. And, believe me, I've listened to a lot of different music. She's done the music for Ghost In The Shell:Stand Alone Complex, Macross Plus, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, etc. There are few animes out there that have not known her fresh and innovative touch. Each sound is different, each one provokes a different sensation. The only way you'll figure out that the music you're listening to was created by Yoko Kanno is if you equate her with music you hear that sounds different from any thing else you've heard. Her style is that special, that unique.

Another artist who caught my attention since I heard Tsuki No Ie is Akino Arai. She done the singing for a lot of anime as well, including some that Yoko Kanno has done such as Outlaw Star and Macross Plus. She has also released many albums not related to anime such as Furu Purachina, Kouseki Radio, and Natuskashii Mirai. Her voice is so beautiful and clear as to make you feel that you are flying gently through the clouds. Natural hues of the sky passing you by as you smile softly. If you've never heard any of her songs, I definitely recommend looking her up and giving her a listen.

Video Games
I don't have the new XBOX 360 so I haven't been able to play any of the games on that console yet. I have played Halo 2 (beat it!too short!!), Silent Hill 4: The Room (gets creepier the farther you get so I had to take a time out from this one!!), and Resident Evil 4 (beat the walkthrough, but struggling through Mercenaries, damn Leon Kennedy and his crappy guns!!!) For online games, I've just begun sampling this market so I haven't played hardly anything. I've only played the demos for both Fear (very good and eerie) and Fate (addictive game, I played for about eight hours straight without moving!) but as far as other go I haven't tried any. If any of you know of a good online game you can leave the info on my guestbook.

Anime Lists

My Anime
  • Serial Experiments Lain
  • Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
  • Kare Kano
  • FullMetal Alchemist
  • Naruto
  • Samurai Champloo
  • Elfen Lied
  • Chobits
  • Midori No Hibi
  • The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


Info on anime and a great encyclopedia!
Learn about computers and the web through challenges.
Watch anime on the web!!!
Site has a good forum for the Magickally inclined!!!
MySpace Page

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