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: Main :

- Home
- Email
- Forums
- News Archive
- Roster

: Roster :

- Chucklehead
- D1zbelief
- Insane
- Numb
- Snip3r
- TheChamp
- Warrior
- WingedBull

: Links :

_________ Welcome to the Quick n Deadly clan site __________

We are a clan dedicated to winning while still having fun in every game we play. If you would like to challenge us to a match, or ask us anything feel free to post in our forums.

Upcoming Matches

Latest News

--We now have yet another new site.

: UC: 30-2 :

- Bombing Run
- Capture the Flag
- Double Domination
- Team Deathmatch

: JA: 0-0 :

- Capture the Flag
- Siege
- Team Deathmatch

: Recent News :

It has been decided by most of the clan that we will probably not move into CS, but we will look into Jedi Academy and XIII.