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nintendo         obi's shrine               site creators               blink-182
6:01 PM, 10/9/03: Okay, I admit, I'm a freakin' liar. So whenever I say I'll finish something in a week, expect it in a month or two, ok? I still haven't finished those pages... erg. But what I have done is updated the reviews of the games. Now they're a little more in-depth. Nathania wants a White Stripes page, unfortunately I don't think we have the disc space. The blink page already takes up half the space. But memory issues aside, making pages is very time-consuming and I know NOTHING about the White Stripes. So even if you hear something about a White Stripes page from him somewhere... don't expect one. There is about a 1% chance I'll make one. (*bethswald*)
10:04 PM (and 11:16 PM), 9/07/03: If you've been ANYWHERE on this site AT ALL, you'll notice that the majority of the pictures here that I've taken are condition: total crap. BUT THAT SHALL NO LONGER BE!! I do not own a flatbed scanner. It's a sad tale, but true. Because of that, I needed to take pictures of all things that are more 3D than a sheet of paper with my digital camera. Alas, the quality is poor when I use the abused thing... but there is hope! Nathania has just recently installed a flatbed scanner! **cheer** Expect the quality of the images to increase. Unfortunately, I can't just go over to Nathania's to scan whenever I see fit, so it may take a long time to redo all the images on the site. BUT NEVER FEAR! It shall eventually be done! *triumph* ***later on*** Ok, I just added Some more GC games to the Nintendo section, but I don't have pages for them yet. Pages should be done for them in about week. (*bethswald*)

All nintendo-related characters, settings, and plots and etc. are property of Nintendo. Most pictures taken from or Nintendo Power magazine. All pictures of Blink-182 come from Blink-182 belong to themselves. Pictures, animations, clothes and knitted clothing for and of Obi were all made and taken by Bethswald. Obi is a martian popping thing in the ownership of Troyest. He is made by some company or other, but not by me. Bethswald is making this website for me and she is typing this so she is going to write what she feels like. ^_^ Moose.

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