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(Note: In this story, you are D'ari, a bluerider at Abri.)

"D'ari!" You wince at the irritatingly familiar voice, and hurry quickly away, pretending that you didn't just see the lovely blonde rider heading toward you. You really, really don't want to deal with Kelsyriah - you've had experience enough to know that while she may be pretty, there's absolutely nothing of any use to anyone behind those enchanting blue eyes. Inconvenient that she happens to be besotted with you.

"D'ari, like, where are you going?" she wails; you sigh heavily and break into what's just short of a run, calling at the same time to your blue Myth. He's drowsy and a little annoyed - you must have just woken him up - but as soon as you mention Kelsyriah's name, he agrees instantly to your request. 

Kelsyriah's now sounding rather desperate, and she seems to be gaining on you, though you haven't a clue how that could have happened. In a final, frenzied bound, you leap from the rim of the wall that surrounds Abri - and onto Myth's back

You lie still against warm blue-black hide for some time, winded, while stormy-blue wings beat around you. Thanks, Myth, you're a lifesaver, you pant finally, as he wings down onto the black-sand beach.

I know, Myth agrees, none-too-modestly. That was one of your more dramatic escapes, I think - you must have jumped ten feet. Maybe we should remember that one.

Sure, you retort, punching him lightly, I'll do that. Next time I feel like inflicting Kelsyriah's presence on myself. If I ever feel suicidal.

But Myth clearly isn't listening to you; and, finally getting the point, you follow his gaze down to the beach.

D'ari, Myth speaks finally, there's no possible way that boy could have gotten here - is there?

You glance out to sea. The mainland is a dark smear against the horizon - even Delaqua, the Hold closest to Abri, is innumerable dragon-lengths away. And no dragon would have left a passenger on the beach... 

So why, then, is there a small boy climbing the stairs to the outer rim of the wall?

He's nowhere near even the half-way mark, but the volcano in which Abri is built is huge; this isn't saying much. He must already be some fifty feet up - and though the stairs are wide and by no means steep, that's still a long way to fall onto rock.

You curse Kelsyriah and her Ditzth and Kimretusuith for not noticing this unexpected visitor, but a voice in the back of your mind tells you you're being unreasonable - no one's used this entry to Abri in ages; those arriving by boat enter through the tunnels that open onto the beach near the western cove. Who would have known to look?

Snapping yourself from these thoughts, you start to urge Myth towards the stranded boy - but, responding to your unvoiced thought, he's already drawn close to the child. His dark wings fan the air, creating a strong wind that causes the boy to look up for its source. His eyes widen upon seeing you - but to his credit, he only backs up a little closer against the stone of the mountain. His appearance is nothing too remarkable; skin somewhere in between tanned and natural brown, unruly black hair rumpled by wind, and brown eyes that, while intelligent, seem veiled against too close a scrutiny. "Hello," he calls; he seems torn between staying close to the inside of his ledge and moving curiously towards Myth.

"How did you get here?" you demand curiously, and instantly Myth turns on you.

D'ari, not now. We'll bring him into Abri - and then you can ask questions.Come, he adds, projecting for the boy's benefit, and you're glad to see that he must, at least, be able to hear a dragon addressing him, for he moves towards you. You slide part-way down Myth's back to offer him a hand up; he takes it, and you swing him onto Myth'd back, before you.

He doesn't speak as Myth wings up to the rim, calling out his name and yours to Kimretusuith; he doesn't seem apprehensive even at this height, but his wondering gasp - as Myth circles over the 'Bowl, giving a clear view straight down, as dozens of dragons of every description come into view - reveals that he's never flown a-dragonback. Unsurprising - he can't be more than twelve, at the oldest - short for even that age.

Stop showing off, you mutter in an aside to Myth - but you're grinning, despite yourself, the boy's reaction taking you back to your own first flight. Typically enough, he ignores you, and excecutes a spectacular dive, skimming just over the lake before coming to land. He could have fallen off! you protest, but that's an empty caution, and you know it; the boy seems almost suited to flying, and he's smiling as you help him dismount. Myth doesn't bother to answer.

The boy's eyes are wandering, scanning everything in sight; you give him a moment to goggle at it all, and then put a hand on his shoulder, turning him towards you. "Now - What's your name? Why are you by yourself? How did you get here?"

Brown eyes cloud instantly. "I'm Kysyto," he tells you quietly. "My parents are dead."

"Dead!" Your eyebrows shoot up, not sure how to take this announcement. Not the most sympathetic of reactions if what he says is true, Myth points out in the back of your mind.

He nods, biting his lip; he looks down, but you can see a sparkle of tears in his eyes. "We were fishers... There was a storm, and our ship got caught in it. There was a big flash - lightning, I think - and the mast broke, and everything was on fire... My dad threw me into the water, and I had to swim... I don't really remember, except being scared and not knowing where my parents were. I don't think they survived." He pauses for a moment, not looking at you, but just when an appropriate word of comfort is on your lips, he continues. "A shipfish found me, I guess - it kept nudging me until I held on and it brought me here."

Something doesn't sound quite right - but it's not so different from your memories of rescuing Chiara from a similar plight, in a different past. Not impossible - and though Kysyto seems emotionally almost numb, telling you of the experience has obviously disturbed him so much that you brush your doubts away, reproaching yourself even for questioning him when he's so upset. Poor kid's probably in shock - and "We'll do everything we can to find your family," you tell him, "but I'm afraid you'll have to stay at Abri for now." Thinking quickly, you summon your Rascal - and when the silvery-red flit appears, give him instructions to find Ilara. She's a healer, and almost empathic besides - you're sure that she can do something to comfort the boy. "Follow Rascal," you instruct him. "I need to talk with the Weyrwoman, but I'll meet you afterwards, okay?"

Kysyto nods; he scampers off after the quickly disappearing flit, and you and Myth watch him go. You're about to turn to cross the Bowl to Angeoria's office, when a pleasant female voice hails you. "So you found the boy Tanel brought in?"

You glance up into smiling brown eyes in a face framed by short, dark hair - Chiara. "'Lo, Chi'," you greet her absentmindedly. And then "What boy?"

The young queenrider grins, gesturing at the retreating Kysyto. "Don't tell me you're blind, D'ari! That has to be him... fits Tan's description, and there couldn't be two boys of that age I've never seen before in Abri, anyway." She tilts her head thoughtfully. "I think Tan' said his name was Kiseto?"

"Kysyto," you correct, nodding. "Yes, that's him." But already your smile is fading. "Who did you say brought him here?"

"Tanel - my brother - he made Masterfisherman last Turn. I think you know him?"

"How could I forget when you and Amosaeth called the whole Weyr out to fly guard over his ship?"

Chiara grins, also remembering her rather dramatic arrival at Abri after Impressing golden Amosaeth. "Well, Tan' said that this boy - Kysyto - accosted him just before the Windspeed sailed from Delaqua. Apparently he said he had an important package for Angeoria - did you send him to deliver it? You really should have gone with him, D'ari - that flit isn't exactly trustworthy..."

"That's not what I heard at all," you say grimly, not bothering to defend Rascal. "He told me that he was the lone survivor of a shipwreck - and I believed him!" You break into a run, and Chiara follows you, looking as if she's not sure whether to laugh or frown.

Myth, where's Rascal? you demand, not bother to mask your annoyance, but he replies quickly.

He's still with the boy - they're with the blackrider now, in the flit hatchery.

You frown, and double back so quickly that you almost bump into Chiara, who moves quickly out of your way. Tell Uasth to tell Ilara not to let Kysyto out of her sight. I'm going to find out just what's going on.

He must have done so, for when you reach the warm, shadowy room designated as belonging to the flits, Kysyto and Ilara are still there. Kysyto's turned away from the entrance; he doesn't see you enter. But Ilara does; she looks quickly up, dark eyes puzzled. "D'ari? What's going on?"

Kysyto turns quickly at her words; to your annoyance, he has a red llithra in his arms, and a broad smile on his face. He holds out the little creature for your perusal, seemingly unaware of your mood. "D'ari, look at the flit I bonded! Ilara said he's a llithra - a special breed - his name's K'jeili - isn't he awesome?"

I'm sorry, D'ari, Uasth apologizes, audible through Myth - though she's obviously as confused as her rider, she's gathered that you're not pleased with them. He told us you sent him, and why he was here - he seemed so upset, and Ilara thought a flit might distract him...

"Wonderful," you agree, speaking to Kysyto, but your tone reveals clearly that you think it's anything but. And, to Uasth-Ilara: It's not your fault - mine for being so stupid.

You whistle a five-note call, and a pair of llithra appear just above your head - your own brown Kessha and icy Kanto. Kessha chirps something sharp at the red K'jeili, who replies, sounding sulkily, but glides obediently from his bond's arms to perch by his mother. Kysyto looks startled; he reaches out towards the llithra, but you place a hand on his arm, smiling humorlessly. "I don't think you need that distraction right now, Kysyto."

He sighs, but nods - he's not stupid, he must have realized by now that he's been found out. You smile more broadly. "I've now heard two explanations for your presence at Abri - both very different. Is there another one? I want the truth now, Kysyto. Tell me exactly what's going on."

Kysyto looks disappointed - the slightly guilty look of a puppy who's been caught stealing scraps. But he looks up at you, doesn't look away - for the first time since your first meeting. "Okay. I'm here because I wanted to be a dragonrider."

Someone behind you chokes; you look swiftly at the queenriders, who exchange glances, brows raised. Ilara's trying not to laugh; Chiara also looks as though she can't quite help being amused. "It isn't that simple," she admonishes Kysyto, failing to sound stern.

"I don't care," the boy insists stoutly - and you have to admit in spite of yourself that the kid's got nerve. "I'll do whatever it takes!"

"We'll see about that," Ilara interjects placatingly. "I don't think you were finished with your explanation?"

Kysyto sighs - but you've seen enough of him to know he's nowhere close to giving up. "I ran away from home. I used to live in Arytres - my dad's one of Lord Variaen's holders. But raising herdbeasts is boring." He frowns in memory. "I told my dad that - and he said he'd apprentice me as a farmer if I was bored. So I ran away."

"You can't just do that," Chiara protests. Kysyto smiles up at her.

"I did."

"Won't your parents be worried?"

He shrugs, not appearing too worried himself. "I don't think so - for one thing, I have plenty of brothers and sisters - I doubt anyone will notice for a while. Besides - my dad thinks I'm in the Farmer Crafthall, and they didn't know I was coming."

"You seem to have thought this through pretty thoroughly," you accuse.

Kysyto nods, looking proud of himself. "Uh-huh. I've always wanted to be a rider, s'long as I can remember. So anyway, I caught a ride to the Seahold, and a fisherman took me here." He tilts his head, thoughtful. "I guess he might have been a little suspicious - he didn't want to leave me on the beach by myself, but I told him I could get into Abri myself. I told him -"

"That you had an important package for the Weyrwoman," Chiara finishes - she's smiling openly now, and even you can't remain angry with Kysyto. "That was your mistake - Masterfisherman Tanel happens to be my brother, and of course he told his little sister about such an unusual request." She smiles sweetly at Kysyto. "You know, one lie is usually more effective than two."

Kysyto nods acknowledgement of that bit of advice, but he doesn't look too repentant. "What are you going to do with me?" he inquires, looking up at you and the other adults.

Chiara winks at you over his head. "Maybe we should bring him to Angeoria," she suggests solemnly.

Ilara nods. "Since he was so insistant that he needed to see her..."

Kysyto glances up at her, looking worried. "Please don't!" But the blackrider can't keep a straight face; she begins to chuckle at his expression, and Kysyto looks relieved.

"You won't," he decides. "Will you?"

"Probably not," you tell him, taking pity on him. "I don't think you're important enough to bother Angeoria about."

"I am so!" Kysyto exclaims indignantly; you exchange glances with the queenriders, and all begin to laugh. Kysyto frowns, sulky at being laughed at. "That wasn't funny." And then he looks hopeful. "So can I stay here?"

Chiara considers. "One of us would have to fly you back - which would raise questions about what a dragonrider was doing in Arytres, especially with you, and that would probably get back to Angeoria. I suppose you'll have to."

"Poor us," Ilara laughs. She looks at Chiara, grinning. "What would Angeoria say if she knew her Junior Weyrwomen were keeping secrets?"

Chiara raises an eyebrow. "I don't plan on telling her. Do you?"

"Could I be a Candidate?" Kysyto interrupts, perhaps feeling that the conversation has strayed far enough from him. His query has the desired effect; you, Chiara, and Ilara all look at him.

"I don't think you're old enough," Ilara muses, looking at him - and her response elicits another outburst on Kysyto's part.

"I'm eleven!" he protests; red K'jeili returns abruptly to his masters arms to look up at you and your fellow riders, cheeping supportively. "And even if you won't let me stand, I'll watch the hatching. I've read all about dragons; I know riders have Impressed from the stands!"

"It seems we've been outsmarted," Chiara chuckles, apparently deciding that humoring him is easiest; she grins at you. "I suppose we can't stop you trying to Impress anyway?"

"Nope!" Kysyto declares, and Chiara nods, mock-resigned.

Ilara is thoughtful. "He might be acceptable to a dragon - he's smart enough and certainly persistant. And if Kelsyriah..." She grins when you groan loudly.

"Don't even talk to me about her," you complain; Chiara grins impudently at you.

"Were you trying to avoid her again? I bet you were - I bet that's how you found Kysyto..."

"Shut up, Chi," you implore her, now thoroughly embarrassed; Kysyto's giggling at you, and you glare at him.

"That was mean, Chi," Ilara reproves, taking your side for once. "I don't blame D'ari at all - I'd run, too, if someone like that was following me. But I don't think Kysyto can stand here," she continues, pointedly changing the subject, and you give her a grateful smile. "Angeoria would notice if he was a Candidate."

"Good point," Chiara agrees. "So he's going somewhere else to stand. Any ideas, D'ari?"

"Maybe Darkling Dawn," you suggest. "They're in need of quite a few candidates - I think they'd be glad to take even him."

"Hey!" Kysyto protests, and you grin.

"Just teasing you..."

"So, Darkling Dawn?" Chiara asks. "Can you take him, D'ari?"

"Yeah, Myth and I can do it - if you promise not to try to handle things your way, Ky'."

He grins up at you, brown eyes sparkling with excitement. "I won't. Do they have cool dragons there, D'ari?"

"The coolest," you promise, and his smile broadens.

"Then I promise I'll be good." And he sounds so fervent that you decide you can trust him, this time... for a while... at least until the hatching... because he wouldn't jeopardize a chance at Impression, would he?

"Then Darkling Dawn it is!"



Darkling Dawn
