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Disclaimer - This site was created as an outlet for sharing the pictures I've taken, this first year as a hobby.

Another thing to note, the site you're looking at is in it's first version, so layout and design are will be changing, though simple functionality is in place.

All images were shot "from the hip" in that the digital camera I used has no viewfinder, with a broken LCD screen, so all are, in a sense, "accidental." Also, all images, aside from those in the "Edits" category may have been only scaled down cropped, but are otherwise as they came.

I'm open to comments and criticism. You can find my email at the bottom of the page, or through the "Email" link on the logo. Also, if you'd like larger copies of any, I have the originals, which are mostly in 1024 x 768 but downsized for file size.


Clothing Optional - Lost articles.
Versus - Natural elements to artificial environment
Macabre - What site is complete without the macabre?
Growth - Scenery shots.
Made - This stuff was made...
Isis - Snow/Ice Storm of '04
Edits - Edited images.
Fallen - The lower side of life.
All images copyright @ 2003-2004 Jerrod Leopold