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HP Fics:


"A Blue-Eyed Lie" by spark_of_chaos

Rating: NC-17
Summary: How far, exactly, can a man who has magic on his side go, in order to get another man? So far as to sport long hair and blue eyes, and round bottom and… breasts?

"A Silver Ball" by vagabondlivvy

Rating: PG-13
Summary: The after-effects of the Christmas party. (Sequel to "A Candy-Cane Love Spell")

"A Tiny Green Bow" by Sapphire Sky / ensemble

Rating: Hard R / NC-17
Summary: Harry was, understandably, inexperienced with school boys dressing as school girls. Especially ones who looked THIS good while doing so…

"A Wave in Windless Water" by hydaspes

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry, Hermione, and Ron work together in Godric's Hollow to find and destroy Voldemort's horcruxes. With the unexpected arrival of Draco Malfoy, Harry has the burden of both the horcruxes and new worries weighing him down.

"All Bets Are Off" by Allegra

Rating: R
Summary: Enter Playboy!Harry and his Overinflated Ego, a challenge, a bet, a couple of Really Cunning Plans - and there you have it, "Forty days and forty nights", Hogwarts style. Mayhem ensues!

"A An Obscene Obsession" by Jitterbug

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Draco is in denial and has an oral fixation.

"Angels and Devils" by Beren

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry defeated Voldemort: his act of heroism is famous throughout the wizarding world. He’s trying to finish his final year at Hogwarts in peace, but something peculiar is happening to him, something he never would have expected. It's all rather embarrassing and making his life very complicated.

"Animus" by Isolde13

Rating: R
Summary: Harry has defeated Voldemort but he did not come out of the war unscathed. Into his life comes Draco, who is working as a prostitute in Muggle London.

"Autumn Leaves" by Kaalee

Rating: PG
Summary: Harry rakes leaves at Hogwarts.

The Ol' Switcheroo by Cursescar

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Draco inadvertently ends up in a skirt when he and Harry are fooling around, and both are surprised by how much it turns them on.

Subtle Nuances by Rosesanguina

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry and Draco are Aurors and must go undercover for a case.

The Way Things Are by Ifyouweremine

Rating: NC-17
Summary: This is a lovers’ story; only, it’s not about them at all.

Panacea by Switchknife

Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU. Harry's a disgruntled cop. Draco's his panacea. Or pantycea, or, uh. Whatever.

Harsh and Honest by Cursescar

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Draco is Harry's slut.

Grocery Shopping by Ifyouweremine

Rating: NC-17
Summary: Wherein Harry and Draco fight and then have really intense sex in a back room in a grocery store.


My Captive by Inell

Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hermione finds herself taken captive by a wicked Draco during the train ride to Hogwarts. Whatever will he do to her?