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Welcome to Uranium Studios!

This is Uranium Studios. Basically this is just a library full of really funny media. As of right now we have Flash Animations. We will get a lot more, and maybe in the future we could get a pictures section up. To me, personally, i think the Flash movies are the funniest because they express the feelings of that character. Take House master from Arfenhouse. He is a loaf of bread that goes on magical adventures. In a picture you wouldn't know that the Loaf of bread is a loaf of bread, or that he goes on magical adventures. But anyway, we will be focusing a lot on animations. On our front page we'll add a picture a week. Just top entertain you. We dont have a picture archive...yet...

Be aware that this website is undergoing heavy construction. So we have some typos and stuff like that. If there happens to be a type, just email me at:

or AIM me at:


We found nemo!