Here are some people that have used the AT-101

"This box is going to knock your audio sox off! If I had to pigeonhole the AT-101, I would call it Simon Saywood’s Acoustical Force Field. Instant smoothness, an extremely nice round bottom end without sounding squashed. The instruments, recorded in the digital domain, sounded sweeter and were much easier to place in the mix. Whatever you put through this work of art, you end up with a fuller, smoother lower end and an old-fashioned quality combined with a fresh and modern clarity. You’re going to listen to it and try it out and you are not going to want to give it back"

Wes Maebe

W E S O N A T O R . C O . U K

(Recording, Mixing, Mastering, Front of House Engineer)

Sting, Chaka Khan, Deborah Bonham, Robert Plant etc..etc..