It's technically Saturday at this time, but I don't care. It's Friday night until I go to sleep, which I have not done yet. It's like 4 am right now, and I just got home from my first full night out in quite some time. Tana's in town, as I've surely mentioned, and I got off work early to party with her. It's strange sometimes, hanging around old friends, friends who don't really keep in close contact anymore, except in the event that we have a chance to all get together at once. Katie, Katie, Tana, and I were all hanging out for most of the night tonight, along with some other old friends. I found out that my friend Sidney is being deployed (National Guard). She leaves for Iraq sometime in February, so she's in town now, spending some time with friends and family before she has to leave. We were talking about it earlier, and she seemed to be adjusting to the idea pretty well. Her response was, "Well, I guess that's what I get for joining the National Guard to pay for school." Honestly, I think that's what she gets for joining the National Guard while this country as a whole remains ignorant enough to re-elect an idiot republican from Texas who can't seem to keep out of other people's business, and who seems to think he can use the "National Guard" as "International Guard" any time he sees fit. I mean, isn't the purpose of the National Guard to help things along here in the states? Maybe I'm wrong, but I didn't think it was their responsibility to get involved in foreign wars, namely a "War on Terror" that our lovely president didn't seem to need approval from Congress to begin waging. Hmm... I'm not going to go into that anymore. I'll get all pissy.

We were hanging out at JP's for a while tonight, where I proceeded to get kicked in the mouth. That was fun. Actually, I was just goofing around with Tasha, and she didn't mean to kick me in the mouth, but it happened, and now I have a nice fat lip. It's beautiful. Tash, if you're reading this, I owe you a fat lip, and someday, will pay you back, although it will most likely be an accident when I do. Love ya. After leaving JP's, we headed over to Nick's house to play some cards, which lasted until the wee hours of the morning. I left from there a while ago, and now I'm at home trying to wind down and get some sleep. I miss nights like tonight. This was how we lived in high school. Sadly enough, at only twenty, I think I'm getting a bit too old to do this kind of thing all the time, but it's still a nice break from the day to day grind. I sometimes wish I could do it more often, like right now, but I'm sure, in the morning, I'll have had some change of opinion on that matter. We'll see.

Everything is New Again
Barenaked Ladies

Learn to lose
It's easier that way
We've paid our dues
But we can't make life pay
All across the world
People going mad
In their mother's cars
The kids are feeling sad
That's how it is
And I'll see you later

Everything old is new again
Everything under the sun
Now that Im back with you again
We hug and kiss
We sit and make lists
We drink and I bandage your wrists

Wasted youth
There wasn't much to waste
Down to the bone
And still losing weight
With all the wishing in the world
Glistening in her eyes
But when I say I love her
She thinks I'm telling lies
Is all lost?
No, we never had it

Everything old is new again
Everything under the sun
All of our fears come true again
Recycle, reuse
Resent and refuse
Our parents' ideals and views

She thinks the afterlife
Might just be where the action is
With high schools built like prisons
She can't find a way to live
Moved back home
To fill the empty nest
Afraid to roam
In love with second best
While somewhere in the world
She's hosting her own show
And everyone she questions
Never seems to know
Who they are
And where they are going

Everything old is new again
Everything under the sun
Now that I'm without you again
I wake up and eat
I go back to sleep
And let my nightmares repeat

All across the world
People going mad