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Name: Optimus Primal
Function: Maximal General-Commander
Beast Mode: Bat
Motto:"Freedom is the right of all beings."

"The Maximals and I have no choice but to stop Megatron and his Predacon minions before they destroy us all! Freedom may be the right of all sentient beings, but to protect the greater good we must vanquish the universe from these evil Predacon creatures! It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is!"

Strength: 10.0 Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0 Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0 Courage: 10.0
Firepower: 7.0 Skill: 10.0

Name: Polar Claw
Function: Infantry Battle Commander
Beast Mode: Polar Bear
Motto:"Consistency is victory."

A foot soldier with a hunter's instinct, this ballistic bear is equipped to command front-line infantry battles against the evil Predacons. Along with his savage teeth and ferocious fangs, his most devastating weapons include a quick-firing robotic bat, which features sonar sensors to detect enemies and alert Polar Claw for combat at all times--and at all costs!

Strength: 9.0 Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 4.0 Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 8.0 Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 8.0 Skill: 7.0

Name: Nightglider
Function: Intelligence Operative
Beast Mode: Flying squirrel
Motto:"Do not go gently into that good night."

Nightglider is the most skillful Maximal spy. A creature of the night, he operates best alone. Can virtually escape detection - emits an electromagnetic cloaking field, is soundless in flight, disappears in subdued light or shadow. Electro-disruptor can cast illusions, altering his physical placement and appearance for up to 10 minutes. Devoted to the Maximal cause; despises Predacons. Wields serrated Energon sword.

Strength: 3.8 Intelligence: 8.2
Speed: 7.1 Endurance: 7.7
Rank: 5.0 Courage: 8.5
Firepower: 3.6 Skill: 6.3

Name: Panther
Function: Jungle Patrol
Beast Mode: Panther
Motto:"This cat has moves!"

Like a lightning bolt, Panther strikes fast and hard. Quiet and confident with incredible cat like reflexes, he is equally efficient when battling in either form. Armed with deadly claws and a laser powered quasar cannon, he stalks the jungles in search of Predacons wanting a challenge.

Strength: 6.0 Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 7.0 Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0 Courage: 9.5
Firepower: 7.0 Skill: 6.3

Name: Jawbreaker
Function: Close-combat specialist
Beast Mode: Hyena
Motto:"Laugh and the world laughts with you; howl and you howl alone."

The most aggressive of the Maximals, Jawbreaker never backs down from a fight. Prefers combat situations where odds are stacked against him. Most effective in close-combat battle, where his powerful jaws can be devastating. Utilizes magnetic field generator between his shoulders, drawing unfortunate Predacons into his spinning deltoid blade. Possesses a twisted sense of humor; laughs a lot - but generally laughs alone.

Strength: 7.2 Intelligence: 5.7
Speed: 6.8 Endurance: 8.3
Rank: 5.0 Courage: 9.4
Firepower: 6.6 Skill: 8.6

Name: Armordillo
Function: Desert Combat
Beast Mode: Armadillo
Motto:"The buring sand, the only true battefield."

To reduce thermal energy intake, infrared vision allows Armordillo to battle at night, when the desert battlefield has cooled. His back bears the burden of a built-in suit of armor that is virtually impenetrable. Enemy artillery bounces off like pebbles, while his own hidden laser weapon causes devastating damage to Predacon attackers.

Strength: 5.0 Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 4.0 Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 6.0 Courage: 8.0
Firepower: 4.0 Skill: 7.0

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