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Rune Scape

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RUNESCAPE 2 BETA TEST IS NOW OUT FOR THE MEMBERS PLEASE IF YOU ARE A MEMBER TRY IT!!!!!!! RuneScape is an interactive mulitplayer game. It may not have the best graphics or the best fighting graphics but it is quite fun. I say this because if you like to cook you can cook many things in RuneScape lilke bread, Chicken, Pies, And even PIZZA!!!! You can also cook more things in the members server. Also if you just like to make weapons and armor to get filthy stinkin rich you can do that to. This is called smithing. There is also range A.K.A archery. But the one downfall is your combat lvl does not go up if u just master these. If i were you i would also do some strength upgrades attack upgrades and defence upgrades(I say this because you start as a lvl 3 and there are like lvl 90's out there and they will constantly call you noob). But if you do find yourself as one of those high lvl people be fair warned DO NOT CUS PEOPLE OUT DO NOT CALL PEOPLE NOOBS. People will look for anything to get you baned from the game. Thats right if someone cuses you out or there getting on your nerves and they say something worth reporting DO IT!! There account will get banned and they will wish they never saw you. :). Also another cool thing is that on holidays RuneScape gives out many special items for example for halloween last year they dropped masks this year they did scythes!! Also a cool little thing i learned is that you can make this little demon like thing it is cool. ';..;' It looks a LOT cooler on Runescape. Also you can change your color in typing for example @ran@ is a ranbow color your words flash colors (that is the best way to get peoples attention if you want to sell or buy something) @dre@ is a dark red (this is perfect for that little demon thing) @red@ take a guess. I wont go on but i will tell you this. For the color you want use the first 3 letters in the color to make it like black is @bla@ and yes you do have to use those little @ symbols before you type the color and after then type it. Then the little star should change color and there you go. But sometimes if your message is to long it will go back to yellow. Well enough with the colors. At first you will be constantly asking where am I what is that? How do I do this how do I do that? Some people will call you a noob but the majority will be nice and tell you. I for one will help people. My guys name is Brotherben Just add me to your friends list and i can help you a LOT (but I'm not the best at quests but i do know a lot). But when you do get help and someone else needs that same thing help them dont be a moron! Yes I know you are probaly hating all this information but i might help. I will also tell you this! The place you start the game in (after the tutorial) is LUMBRIDGE!
