Things to come

Band Pix

Photographs of Wrath
Photographs of Catalyst
Photographs of Wrath & Catalyst


ANGERSTATE is currently experiencing some not so cool shit.. So for those of you out there waiting to hear "our" new shit, well, unfortunately it's probably not going to happen for a bit unless I get some help..and fast.

Unfortunately things are not going very well amongst Catalyst and I.. Things don't seem to be making too much sense as to why EVERYDAY there seems to be some kind of problem on Catalyst's part preventing us from getting together and working on our music.. Everyday there seems to be some kind of problem, and it seems kind of "shady" if you ask me.. Obviously Catalyst isn't dedicated to the music we've produced or are working on, and is not making any effort AT ALL too succeed in our music.. So unfortunately, I must move on..

Basically what I need from our fans is some feedback on any information on a synthesist.. As you may know, "we" are industrial..

So Basically I need someone who is:


EAGER TO SUCCEED (in the music industry)

VERY CREATIVE(being able to come up with unique music, and willing to work with me as far as to what I feel we need in sound)

FLEXIBLE(In practicing hours, able to make time for practices a few times per week)

SIMPLY A GOOD PERSON (Not just someone to make music with, but to be a loyal friend)--after all, we're going to be together as far as practicing, traveling for gigs, or possibly tours, so shit, we need to have fun, and fuckin, damnit, just be alright haha..

MUST HAVE YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT (Hopefully mixer, PC, recording equipment or software on the PC as well as required PC Hardware, PAs, things of that nature.. So if we have a gig coming up, we have our shit together to bring for the event basically)

G E N D E R:As far as sex, you can be male or female, just as long as you qualify for what I am looking for.. I'm not a fucking drill Seargant, just someone to loves music, who feels music flows through his veins better than any drug could ever do.. All you have to do is know your shit, love the music, and be willing to commit yourself..

O U R S O U N D: Our influences were Wumpscut, LaetherStrip, Bile, Suicide Commando, Nine Inch Nails, FunkerVogt.. Our music can be very vengeful, very sexual, in a way "educational" or simply "hot"..

C O N T A C T: As far as contact, you can send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can, just be patient incase I have a lot of emails coming in.. Thank you my loyal fuckin fans! Hopefully I get back to work with my shitty music to entertain ourselves.. Much love my love sluts!


Wrath: Songwriter/Vocals

Rick: Musical Engineer

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