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here you go the clan layouts
LOL the soruce looks like josephs page LOL
ad wow thes lines look kool:)
normal layout and i also cna make this in other colors like in blue or other colors

dont really thig this is ok for our clan....i was boared so made fire and i got this desigon idea.

allso dotn thik its good for a clan site but heh it looks cool:)

last 3 i made first thats why the links/pages are made for clan.
and the otehres i made a long time ago. and thought they might be good for clan

heh looks ok to me but if i was makin a clan page wait a sec i am makign a clan page lol i would get soemthig more with graphics:)

this oen is kool cuz the menu is made with js and it comes out from the side when you press the blue triange. i jsut took the screen shot when the menu was open

this was the one i was talking about in the e-mail see that sword and shield that will be our logo well i l edit it and add in out name but w/e
i have to tell you somethig abotu this logo... i kinda riped it off from warcraft 3 i foud that out after i made it. i showed it to someone
and they saed hey thats from warcraft3! and i said oops well have fun picking wat you like best :)

some features in the sites

  • i can add in a chat thigh
  • i can have a forums but it won't be a forums were you make a account the you put your name for account
  • and i can add in other things you want/ other clan members might thing is good.
  • there will be a sign up thing were you put in your info to sign up
  • and there will be a login like on kroners site were if you dotn got the correct pass and account name you don't logo in it will take you to a defualt page.
  • and much much more i hope