Oak Toad

An Oak Toad is the tiniest toad in North America. It has a beautiful gray to black color and a noticeable (or prominent) white to yellowish strip slithering down the center of its back. Also, red warts on the underside of its feet. Although most amphibians occur at night, the Oak Toad is most recurrently seen in the datytime. If you see this 3/4-1 1/4 inched toad; you will most likely see it rummaging around in ground litter and/or debris. The Oak Toad is classified as an amphibian. Oak Toads live in Deciduous Forest biomes. If the Oak Toad were not around, there would be an increase in the population of terrestrial insects and arthropods. An Oak Toad's habitat is loose sandy soils of pine flatwoods and oak scrub. Oak Toads from Florida to Georgia devour terrestrial insects and arthropods. Oak Toads that are located in Virginia have an unknown diet. One enemy of the Oak Toad is the Hognose Snake. A relative of the Oak Toad is the Southern Toad.

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