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My Home Page
2004 2005




Hi All

          Here are almost all of the party pictures I have.  I removed some of the redundant ones and things not interesting to save space.  If you have any pictures that you would like to have me throw on to the site please email me at


Directions on how to get you own copy:

1) Save the picture you want to either a disk or burn it on to a cd.

2) take it to a walgreens or a walmart as both have the ability to print from a digital source.

If you go to Walmart sorry your on your own since I am not sure how they do it.  I am sure that they would be happy to help though.

3) Go to the computer screen with a green boarder on it and insert the disk.

4) The machine is pretty easy to use but feel free to ask any questions of the photo person.  They are done in the one hour lab so you might have to wait to pick them up.

Little heads up on prices.  4x6 is $0.29

                                              5x7 is $1.99

                                              8x10 is $3.99