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My name is NiteFire , how I came to be called such , I do not know. I grew up on the streets , alone. I learned to survive by becoming a rather adept thief.I do not know where I came from or indeed whom my parents were .I traveled quite a bit from town to town ,as a thief is only a profitable thief as long as he or she is anonymous. One day as luck would have it , I myself was robbed , a lamentable state of affairs , and indeed an embarrassing one. Some might call it poetic justice, but no matter ,being resilient I went into the nearest tavern to try and and replenish my meager fortune by seeing what I might literally pick up. I met a woman by the name of Madame Skye and decided to stay with her for awhile. Before long , I left Madame and the DD, her family and joined another, the nR.My temper and independence being what it is , the Lord and I , needless to say were very incompatible. I was constantly chastised and demoted , I was on probation so many times ,that even those in the family began to torment me without fear of reprisal . I was in essence the proverbial *whipping boy*.A few wonderful things came from my association with the nR , though. I met Angelique , Enchantress , Anerin , and adopted my son Jadon. Enchantress adopted both Angelique and myself , trying to protect us from the Lords wrath as often as she could , for Angelique as well , was prone to fall afoul of the Lords temper. We bonded in our misery , Angelique and myself and Enchantress , we became a family , Angelique my Beloved sister and Enchantress my Mother. Anerin , well she is another story , suffice to say that I love her dearly and have been with her many years. After awhile, unable to stand it any longer, I broke from nR and became independent.I met the Empress DeSade and we became friends. I decided to throw my lot in with her and see where fate would lead me. I eventually came to regret it. Instead of being reviled for my temper , rather I was accepted for it , instead of being chastened for my sexuality , I was praised for it. Instead of being demoted for being protective of my family I was promoted. You can readily imagine my surprise. I went from Baroness to Countess to Duchess rapidly and was Fourth in Command of the Empire.Here I met Morganti,who became my *mother's* husband. My sister and my mother as fate would have it wound up with me .They too seemingly content with their lot , Momma became the Courtier D'Amour and my Sister became the Baroness ,who wed the Duke DeSade.I wed Byron DeSade ,who has since divorced me when I left the Empire, and the Empress, I could no longer obey, I cannot follow where I have no respect for the Ruler's.My sister, my mother and their husband's left as well, a war began and I confess I was at the center of the storm. When I left, many followed earning the enmity of the DeSade.I have since moved on, a new life, a new lover. This is the story of my life up until now , for the sake of expediency and to not inundate one with too much detail and thus become redundant there are of course gaps in my tale, whether because I found the information not worthy of relating or else it was too painful for me to relate .

~Captain of the Clipper, Dark Flame~