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Nat's page- just a little about a life.

a life among the brushes

"Never Give Up On Life"

So much to life and so little time.
Love those who love you
And love those who don't as well.
There's no room for hate in this world
Because God knows there's enough of that already.
Learn everyday and laugh every minute.
Never give up hope and always smile
Because a smile goes for miles
And will illuminate the world,
Even in the darkest of times.
Cry when you're sad and
Rejoice when you're not.
Remember to always 
Keep in touch with your family
For without them, you would not be here.
People you don't know support what you do
So keep on going forever
And above all, remember to
Never give up on life
Because there's more to live for
Then there is to die for.


Some good sites to check out!

Myspace- a place to meet friends!
Capital University- a great school!
Human Rights Campaign
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!
