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Kayin means "Celebrated One". And indeed, he makes sure wherever he goes there are smiles. Born May 7th, 2003 at 39 weeks and around 10 hours of labor. Time of Birth: 11:13am; Weight: 6 lbs, 1 ounce. Marvel at his brown hair and green eyes! He is free-willed, nature loving, stubborn, and every bit ready to test us. He is fearless, running up to people he hasn't met for a hug or to drag them off and show them something interesting. He is always ready with a shower of hugs and kisses, a bubble of laughter, an excited hop onto the couch. He is our firstborn.
Every day he learns something new. What I can catch on camera, I post. These pictures are for those who cannot see him often, as a way to interact in his life. I hope you enjoy!

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