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The Unreal

Ok, so I'm Elli. And I really don't know what to write on a homepage...I'll write about me, I guess.

I love books. I could spend days in a bookstore if they let me. I also like to write. Well not the writing part of writing, typing is so much better but you get what I mean.

I despise getting my picture taken. I think that maybe in a past life I was one of those people who believe that when your picture is taken, you lose your soul.

I can understand how they believe this too. Have you ever taken a picture of a mirror so that you can yourself taking the picture? If you have the flash on then when the picture comes out you see the flash. It looks like a huge white light hovering and that's what many imagine when they think of the soul.

But I'm not saying all cameras should die. I love taking pictures. Not of people though. Places and landscapes are my thing. They're so much prettier. I try to find places that haven't been smoothed over with concrete and capture it on film. To remind everyone what builders destroy everyday.

And now we come to the reason I made this website in the first place. I write poems. I'm not sure if they are good or not but I like them. It's weird. You wouldn't think that I'd be a big poem writer but the words come to me (usually late at night which is partly why I can never sleep until it's techinally the next day) and I can't stop thinking about them until I write them down. Ok so "come to me" sounds really lame but I don't have another way to explain so you'll have to deal.

If you have any comments or anything click on the link at the bottom of my page to email me. I used to only check my mail once every year and I kept having to reactivate my account but I'm getting better at it so hopefully I'll read any mail you send me within the week.

My Poems

Torn Apart
The Murderer
Blind Truth
