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Dear Reader,
Hi and welcome to our fair site.
DOMC, Defenders of Mos Carolina, is
a StarWars Galaxies guild like any
other, except we happen to have a
website. And this is the home page of
that site. I am an officer in this guild
and our leader is Sulious Caupist.
There isn't much I can say in this
letter that doesn't fall into one of the
categories on the right. All I can say
is hi and thanks for viewing this site,
and possibly considering joining our
guild. I do my best to make this an
awesome site. You, Reader, are a
terribly welcomed visitor.
Happy Huntings and Good Luck
Leveling Your SWG Character,
Ms. Jespe Lorrn
DOMC Guild Roster
Recruitment Form*
DOMC's FAQ For Recruits
DOMC Guild Rule Page
DOMC's Screenshot Gallery
DOMC's Question &
Suggestion Page
DOMC Guild Status Page

* This is the form you fill out when you
want to join our guild =)