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Mihoshi Kuramitsu

Mihoshi Kuramitsu

Her character in relation to the anime:

The blonde stereotype is an understatement when you talk about Mihoshi. What she lacks in smarts, she makes up for in luck. And she is, without a doubt, the luckiest person in the universe. Her grandfather, who just so happens to be the Marshal, tends to spoil Mihoshi a lot. It is no surprise that her cube is an illeagel version (all Galaxy Police get a cube, but Mihoshi's has many more functions). Her ship is also a gift from her grandfather, it special feature is that it can automatically upgrade itself (look closely when you first see it and then see it again later). Though Mihoshi is probably the nicest person you'll ever meet, she is also the most dangerous person in the entire galaxy. Mihoshi and her partner Kiyone are both detectives for the Galaxy Police. Unfortunately, she tends to get herself in more trouble than the people she is trying to capture. Luckily Kiyone is around to keep her straight. Mihoshi is a college student, who also works at the music store when she isn't at school. She lives together with Kiyone and her favorite hobby is counting all the rejections Kiyone gets with boys.
Just her luck. The Galaxy Police sends her to the quietest sector around, and she ends up tailing the infamous Ryoko! Crashing to Earth, Mihoshi doesn't give up, and she pursues relentlessly in her battle suit. Unfortunately, just when she thought she had Ryoko booked, she forgot which Galaxy Police Federal Law Article she needed to remember! And thus begins a very interesting situation: she of the Galaxy Police ends up in the same house as the #1 most wanted criminal! She eventually completely forgets that Ryoko is even a criminal! In her attempt to summon help, Mihoshi causes even more craziness, as a one-in-two-hundred-year shot ends up summoning Ayeka. This makes Kiyone's arrival on Earth even more aggravating and confusing than it already was to begin with, and though she can be a total klutz and the thorn in Kiyone's side, Mihoshi's almost always all smiles.
Mihoshi appears to live a charmed life, able to defy even near-impossible odds. The granddaughter of the commissioner general of the Galaxy Police, she has had an extremely impressive record, which is why she's a detective first class despite her seeming bubble-headedness. However, with that track record comes an equally-large record of incidental damage, so they sent her to patrol probably the quietest sector of the galaxy: the sanctuary sector that includes Earth. And just her luck. That happens to be the sector where Kagato passes by. She ends up crashing to Earth, to be found by (you guessed it) Tenchi, and her crazy luck continues to show, like the time she managed to get into a negative dimension and free Washu. Mihoshi may at first appear to be quite the bubble-head and very emotional, but she's an extremely devoted Galaxy Police officer, and she has plenty of tools to help her. A very optimistic and enthusiastic young woman, she always looks on the bright side. She also has a crush on Tenchi, though not as strong as that of Ryoko or Ayeka.

Her Character in Relation to Me

Well, I guess it all started when I was in 7th grade when my best friend decided to give me the nickname. I guess she thought that the name Mihoshi suited me, or the character's personality fit me or something like that. But since then, I have always had that nickname. I am now a junior in high school and every one of my friends call me by that same name.
As for her being a blonde, I actually was born with strawberry blonde hair, but now i'm a brunette, so that made a whole lot of difference. I don't believe in stereotyping blondes, but I somehow enjoy telling and/or listening to the commonly-told blonde jokes.
Also, instead of me not being that smart, I am really good at history, and anything dealing with computers. My worst subject is math, so I have to really work hard. I am a typing/history buff when it comes to what I do and do not know.
In conclusion, I guess I sort of do relate to Mihoshi in some very small, but detailed ways. Some of the ways that some people have classified me, when talking about Mihoshi, aren't always said in a positive tone of voice, or refering to a positive part of her's and mine personalities. I guess you could say i'm almost identical to her personality wise, but looks, I'm very sure.