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Welcome to...

Alex's personal webpage!!


This will be used as my personal blog, or anything else I may use it for... so tell me if you see any errors!

Lame, but still important...

Now for my personal blog:


Woo-hoo! winter break, baby! Now I shall write in this blog every day!

Yeah, right... >.>

I'm desperate. Now I am counting down the hours untill 6:00, pm, Christmas eve. (Polish tradition... we open presents from friends and family on Christmas eve; and... aww, you get the point.)

Now I am also looking for a web host that does not place this stupid search thingie on top my page. *Cough, cough* UnlikeAngelfire *Cough, cough*

Yeah, I need the good luck you just wished me. XD

Oh, and did I mention that I do not want to spend a single cent on this webpage?

That's right, I want it FREE.

My life sucks. And it's all due to my stinkin' science teacher!! >.<
Our class had to write a 5-page research paper. Man, that sucks.
On top of that, my video card screw up sometimes. This can usually be fixed by changing the screen resolution, but I am afraid this: cannot be fixed with a screen resizing. >.>
Well, there are some perks to my life... RCT: Wild has been reliesed at the end of October, and I am going to get it for Christmas... hopefully...

I found a halarious glitch on AOE III...

My Mediocre Bombards fire CAPYBARAS! XD

And it makes a humongous explosion... it knocks down any trees in a 20 foot radius.
*Fires* *Kills everyone* Mwuhaha...

Anyway, have you seen the user guide for AOE III? It's HUGE, man!
Woohoo! My first:
Real website (OMG! OMG!)

Amazing, ain't it?


This is boring... Well, since I'm here, I might as well state my feelings... I mean, that's
what a blog is for, right? Well, since you're here, you must be either:
-Someone who has absolutely no life whatsoever
-One of my loyal servants ("friends" XD)

Here's my dragon website...

Signing off,

Well... now that I have nothing else to say... Here's the copyright info.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Alex Medrzycki, Newgrounds (the background) and all whose content is displyed on this page is also copyrighted by their respectful owners. This includes Text, Potographs, and all other material.