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I'll never be able to really explain
the way you make me feel.
Words are so restrictive,
where emotions have no limits.
My actions are all I have
when my tongue is tied in knots.
I want you to know
how much you mean to me,
but I don't know how to tell you.

If you could be my nerve endings,
I know you would understand.
Today I feel content...
I extend to you my hand.

This caught me by surprise,
Not realizing this could happen.
After the ceremony,
Is it time for some ass slappin?

Please don't let my humor take away
from the seriousness in my heart.
I trust you and respect you...
You compliment me.

December 17, 2003

Ty`nan... I could not possibly begin to say with words
how much you mean to me. I trust you completely
and will always do my best to keep a smile on your face.
Tonight my heart is spilling over with happiness.
I am content and yes,
I am yours.