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Cooler than most places

That looks pretty cool, comin' outta the back of his neck there


I would love to live here, of course there would be super amazing battles between man and orc every day, but I am willing to live with that

The Elvish name translator, find out what your elvish name is, and if you want,tell me what it is and i'll trace your family history for you, i'm a dork like that. My name is Galdor Telemnar by the way, it's an ancient high elf line.

My Favorite Web Sites

Paul's site, the other cool place
my blog, ya see, the thing about that is...
my other online journal (it's new) --like everyone has a profile here, if you don't, get one!

a joke about the jesuits: A jesuit, a benedictine, and a fransiscan go golfing one morning. Ahead of them on the course are three blind men, the Benedictine says "this is so amazing, i must write about this great experience." The Fransiscan says, "This is so great for them, i must watch them as they proceed with this miraculas event." The Jesuit just sort of grumbles about it and waits till the blind men are finally done. After they have finished golfing, the three of them are sitting atat some random restaruant. The Benedictine and the fransiscan are disussing the amazing site they saw earlier, the jesuit is mumbling. They ask the jesuit what he is mumbling. He replies, "if those blind men were so great and amazing, why couldn't they play at night?"

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