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Welcome everyone to my webpage!

A walk in Theo's shoes

     Hello, who ever is reading this message right now, I'm no longer alive. My name is Theodore Taitano and I was born on July 15th(in case you were wondering). I attend George Washington High School as a freshmen and I enjoy Computer class. I was one of the first few to know HTML in my class. Alot of students are getting the hang of it and I appreciate that because now I have something to compare with the other students.(these few messages were created to go with the webpage theme) I was looking through this exact webpage when I start hearing these voices. They're coming from every direction, I couldn't stand it! I began to panic and moved my cursor to the icon to close the page but it wouldn't let me. Then all of a sudden, I hear this evil voice saying to me,
     "No one leaves this webpage alive! HAHAHAHAHA!"

A Message From Theo

If you are what you eat, then I had you for breakfast!

