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The Enforcers Party Platform

FOREIGN AFFAIRS- we should give more support to our men and women over seas and to the countries that have stood by our side during our times of great need. TAXES- We feel that more money should go back to the people. And our economy is not as good as it was a couple of years ago and that the people should get some kind of relief. WELFARE- That we want to help people who want to do well for themselves and their family. But people must prove that they are trying to better themselves. EDUCATION- Educating our young people has been a constant battle for years with students dropping out of school. So we feel that if a mandatory 12 year policy should be put into action. CRIME- Crime has been to lacks for too many years and that its time for our government to step in and to take control of the situation. ENVIRONMENT- That there are so many people that forests are being cut down and killing off animals wrecking whole ecosystems. That building in unsettled areas should be fewer. FAMILY- to help make it possible for families to be able to spend more time together. Have incentives for people to spend time with their families. IMMIGRATION- To set a limit of people how can enter the country per year. HEALTHCARE- To regulate medication for those who are truly needy. FEDERAL AID- Aid given to people in time of need, has to be paid back within a time limit…or else.