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Bouquets Your Way

Love Is Forever

Getting Married? Need Flowers?

Florists are expensive!
Real flowers fade.
But silk flowers, Like your Love, will last forever.

I got married not too long ago. I was very shocked when I found out what the flowers were going to cost me. Then I decided this would be an excellent time to put my florists designing to the test, and so I did. Little did I realize just how much my love for doing floral arrangements would give to me.

My wedding

Now, I would like to help out other Brides who might be working on a budget, or simply want Silk Bouquets for themselves and their entire wedding party.
Made ANY design & color YOU want!!!! Please specify color(s)
Something that they can treasure and keep from their one BIG DAY!!!

Since my wedding, I have contracted with couples on the local level. However, I wish to expand to helping couples on a national level.
It seems that the internet is being used more and more for business. And I can't think of a better business to be in, than helping couples to plan their futures from the seeds to maturity.
I currently own one business and it is listed in our area phonebook. If you would like more information please write to me and ask any and all questions you might have. I would love to be a part of your Special Day.

E-mail Theresa


Please sign my guestbook and let me know what you thought of my site. I hope we'll soon be doing business together. My best for your Big Day.
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