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"Every Revenge Has a Silver Lining"

So I told you that I was revealing my deepest secret
Well don't get to excited its not anything like you're thinking by the way you have a "dirty mind"

My secret is just about a girl named Silver,she doesn't exist on this earth.
She only exists in my head and on paper,I used to play out her life in Role playing chat rooms as well.
There are times when she is difficult and won't let me tell her story but,I do believe and
feel that she's ready to let me continue with her story now. This story may take a little while to get
out but,I do believe it will get there.But where to start?

Well how about I start at the beginning,there maybe some of you who actually
remember the good ole days of role playing in the world of White Wolf's Vampire The Masquerade.For those of
you who don't what a pity. The role playing world has not stopped in existence it's still alive and well out there.
I guess I missed out on so much of it I don't know where to begin to catch up
No time like now to try and accomplish that feat. Anyways on with Silvers story and background.

First of all Silver wasn't the first she has an older sister by the name of Storm
Not much happened with Storm as Silver but,its funny they found their way to the same city after parting ways seven years after their parents were murdered by a gang rebel vampires. Neither one knows the other is there in city but,they can still sense one another. The city they both resided in is called Rhydin,it may still
exist today a chat room on AOL,it may not.

Let me give you a description of Silver so you can
have a good idea of what she looks like.
Silver has blondish brown hair that falls ever so neatly into place and
the purple streaks perfectly placed in her hair. Her left brow is
pierced twice and,her right brow is pierced three times. Her eyes are a deep purple that flash
a silver streak when you're lucky enough to catch it. What I mean by lucky enough to catch it
is if you're on her bad side that's a warning,if she's in a good mood........
well that's rare so take it as a good thing for you.
Her facial features are gentle and really great on the eyes,hard to believe
such a face hides so many secrets as hers. She stands at 5'7" the curves on her body are as dangerous
as the slickest curves on a rain-soaked Blue Ridge Mountain road. By the way
her smile is to live for,with those small dimples and a little slyness to the
way those soft luscious lips curve.

Silver is dressed in a tight-fitting white t-shirt,that clings
a bit loosely to her form also,making her breasts well noticed. Her favorite worn-in long sleeved black button-down
shirt left unbuttoned,she wears over the her t-shirt. Her low-rise loose-fit blue jeans,leave you with only your
imagination as to what those killer legs look like,the holes at the knees give you a little break in brain usage though.
There is also the teasing rip on the backside of her jeans right below the her right-back pocket,she wears a
three row pyramid belt around her waist. The bottom of her blue jeans are tattered and stringy,partially
covering her black Doc Martins.

Silver also has tattoos decorating her lightly tanned skin,one of them is a
dragon a midnight blue color,looking back at you almost daring you. The dragon rests upon her left
shoulder blade but,well-noted. On her upper right arm is Celtic tribal band.
On her left wrist is a tattoo of three numbers and a word it reads, 1,2,3 Here
,and it continues on to her right wrist reading ...come w/the wicked in Gothic style
letters. Then on the side of her left calf she has a white tiger climbing his way up her leg.

When she walked the streets of Rhydin she walked with a confidence and a certain
prideful manner. It seemed almost as if she was on some kind of natural high,nothing could bother or phase her.
Generous with her nods of acknowledgement to others on the streets,and an occasional,"hey now."But still something
stirred constantly inside her,the one event that haunted her every nightmare she'd ever had since that day that changed
her life as she knew it.

To find the ones responsible for murdering her parents and,seek the everlasting revenge she dreamed about.
Now eternally stuck at the age of twenty-one for the past five years,many of the others considered her a childe still in her immortal
family. Being the youngest of the immortal family,she's the one that's worried about the most. Her sire Gwennyvere tried not to
worry about her so much and tried to not let it show but,everyone knew better. Gwen had raised Silver since she was 10 years old,after
being brought to her. TJ having found her in a barn,having walked for days on end she sought shelter there in the barn from the rain.
She had laid down to rest on some hay and when she passed out from exhaustion,she was attacked by vampire bats.

So T.J. gathered the girl into his arms and rushed her back home to Serenity. When he arrived to Serene Manor
Drake was standing there on the front porch which wrapped around the house. TJ called Drake over to the truck. Drake walked over to
his truck and his mouth dropped a bit."T.J. who is this that you've brought here?"he asked as he helped TJ take her into the house.

"I'm not sure but I found her at old man McCrays place in the barn,he told me to get rid of her. So here she is
I didn't know where else to take her."he responded as they laid her on the couch.

"Well you've done the right thing bringing her here TJ,old man McCray is a crazy old bastard. I don't see why you
still work for him. It looks like you got her here just in time,a couple of more hours I wouldn't have any good news for this girl here.
We'll wait till Gwen wakes up and she'll be able to do more for her,in the mean time lets get her cleaned up and in dry clothes,take care of these
little looks like puncture wounds she has. Go get some blankets and stuff TJ."Drake said to the anxious boy who was eager to do something.

TJ nodded and ran off to get some blankets and other things to take care of her wounds. Finally evening fell and Gwennyvere rose from
her days' slumber,she got herself prepared for the day. Brushing that deep red auburn hair that cascaded down to her mid-back,her deep green eyes starting
to adjust to the light. Her soft face seemingly flawless even though she herself was centuries old. Her steps were flawless as she walked down the steps into the
the living room. As soon as TJ caught sight of her he rushed to her."Gwen you'll never believe what I have found. Here come quickly,come with me and I'll show you."
He said dragging her off towards the back bed-room.

"Whoa TJ,slow down sweetie I just woke up. Always excited when you find something wait,........why aren't you taking me outside like always when you
find something?"she realized as she tried to keep up with him.

TJ opened the door to the bedroom where a small lamp illuminated the room,"because this isn't the usual thing that I find and bring home. This one is pretty
special compared to all the other things I bring home. I think you'll really like this one.",he said pointing to the bed.

Gwen's green eyes went a bit wide as they fell onto the girl laying in the bed sound asleep. She had been cleaned up and her
wounds had been cleaned,TJ and Drake had splinted her leg as well."Where did you find her?"Gwen asked as she sat down on the bed
softly beside the girl.

"Down at old man McCrays farmhouse,he wanted me to get rid of her. You know how he can be,no drifters,no know...
how he can be. So I brought her here I didn't know where else to take her,......he acted as if she was some wild-beast. She is someone who has just lost her way."TJ responded.

Gwen shook her head slowly,"no,she didn't just lose her way. Theres something else,another reason why she made it here. She didn't
just leave home for no reason,she's walked a long way."Gwen placed her hand on the girls fore-head.

As Gwen placed her hand on the girls fore-head all these images came flooding into her head,her eyes moving rapidly under her lids. TJ stood there and watched her
quietly,leaning up against the wall. Gwen sat there on the bed her face barely showing any emotion,she began to see what happened through the girls eyes. Lightening lit up the room that she
and her older sister shared,the rain was pounding on the roof.....outside the window it looked like buckets were being poured out. There was a loud crash followed by a scream and some yelling.
She felt the girl jump and look to her sister,who sat up slowly looking to the bedroom door then back to her little sister. She crept out of bed walked over to the girls bed,"Silver you stay here
I'll be right back,I'm going to go see what's going on."

Silver shook her head,'no way Storm,I'm not staying here alone."
Storm kinda shrugged and nods,"okay,but you have to be quiet and do what I say....."she was interuped by a couple of gunshots.
They both were scared and started shaking a little bit,they walked to the bedroom door. Slowly Storm opened the door
and the two crept out into the hallway. They heard voices downstairs as they silently made their way down the steps a bit.....
Gwen felt a sudden fear take over unable to hide it on her face. The girls stopped dead in their tracks when they saw their mother slam into the wall
before them. Both girls gasped a bit seeing how bad their mother had been beaten by these intruders,she looked up and saw them there on the steps.
She tried to give them a smile,"my sweet Stormy and my Silver girl,"her face turned a bit serious."Always remember that your father and I love you both very much,
now I want you both to get back upstairs,climb out your window and,run to the next town. If your father and I aren't there by daybreak I want you two to keep moving.
Don't worry about us,we'll catch up to you two. Now hurry get going!"she said as quietly as possible to them.

Storm nodded slowly while Silver just stared out into nothing,Storm started up the stairs Silver didn't budge. Storm turned back as she
went up the stairs,"Silver come on we have to go."

Storm made her way back down to retrieve her sister,she grabbed Silvers hand then suddenly a figure appeared at their mothers feet.
They both looked up to see a man with short spiky black hair,his eyes had a small red tint to them,his lips curled back exposing his long fangs. He looked
down at their mother picking her up by her shirt gathering it in his hands that were covered in blood and,his nails were long."Well,what's it going to be?"
the man asked barley leaving room between them to breathe.

Their mother managed to laugh at him,"I'm disappointed in you Sanchez,you thought it would be that easy?I've heard so many things about you,
and you come up with that. Gimme a break.",she looked him over with disgust."You're a big disappointment,it's no wonder Lisa banished you. Seeing you couldn't
do anything right."

Sanchez growled deeply his grip on her becoming tighter,he saw her eyes dart quickly to the right. He looked and an evil grin came over his
face,"precisely,why didn't think of it before."

"You're dead wrong,they have nothing to do with it. You will gain nothing with them,leave them be!",she said looking to him,then to her
daughters."Storm!Silver run go get out of here!!"

The girls started bolting up the stairs,as they did so Sanchez sank his fangs down into their mothers neck. She screamed out and,Silver
turned to see Sanchez holding her mom up her feet not touching the floor at all. Storm had a hold of Silvers hand as they ran through their bed-room,Storm
lifted the window and climbed out onto the old oak tree outside their window. Silver made her way out the window onto the tree as well with Storms help.
They climbed their way down the tree,the rain was pouring down as the lightening flashed constantly. Storm waited on Silver to get down,as soon as silvers
feet touched the ground they made a run for it. As they topped the hill Silver looked back for a second as Storm pulled her along."Come on Silver lets go,
don't look back. Lets just keep going till we cant anymore,get as far from here as possible."Storm said as they ran through the rainy night that
surrounded them.

Gwen shook her head lightly as she took her hand off the girls fore-head."I'd rather let her tell
me the rest but,what I did see was not good at all. Her parents were murdered by vampires and,I think they were after
something. I have a strong feeling that either she or her sister has something to do with what they want. TJ we have an
extra responsibility on our hands now. We must be sure to take pre-cautions with her,I have a feeling we'll have some
uninvited guests in the years to come.",Gwen rose from where she sat on the bed."I must find a way to contact Raina."

TJ looked at her almost in shock as she went to the door. Gwen hadn't spoken to her sire in years,it's
been over twenty-seven years since their last conversation with each other. Unfortunantly the last conversation they had
ended in a heated argument over the family and the guild."I know its been years since I lost spoke to her but,this matter
is one that the silence must be broken. I just have to figure out how to go about it,I am sure once I tell my mother what
I have on my hands here she will be more than willing to break the silence.",as Gwen said this the girl laying in the bed
began to stir. Gwen looked over to the bed as well as TJ,she walked over and sat down on the bed again. The girl slowly opened
her eyes rubbing them a bit with her hands as she did so. As she took her hands away her blue eyes being revealed as they came
to rest on Gwen,slowly and cautiously looking her over. Gwen smiled gently to her,"well hello there. We've been wondering when
you were going to wake up,theres no need to be alarmed we're not going to hurt you. You are safe here with us,us being TJ,Drake
and myself Gwen,TJ found you unconscious in a barn where he works and brought you here."

A flash of lightening lit up the sky followed by a loud clap of thunder that just about made Silver fall
out of her bed. Her body lightly covered from sweat she laid back down letting her head fall against her pillow,letting out
a sigh of relief. She rolled over reaching to the nightstand grabbing her cigarettes and her lighter as well,brushing back
strands of hair that fell over her face. As she struck the lighter it illuminated a little bit of the room and her face as
as she lit her cigarette. Tossing her lighter and cigarettes onto the bed she reached for her ash-tray setting it on her
stomach as she thought about the hunt for tonight. She'd been watching this woman for almost a week now,she was an elderly
lady living alone and no family alive to speak of. Silver had been in the woman's mind and her thoughts and,this elderly
lady longed to be taken so she could be with her loved ones on the other side. Silver decided that she would take it upon
herself to give her what she longed for. Silver only preyed and fed on the ones she felt wanted to leave this place or
the ones who certainly didn't deserve to be here on this earth. She couldn't help but think who was she to pass out this
judgment to others but,then again who was she to prey on the innocent. Exhaling smoke as she stubbed out her cigarette
she rose from her bed,wearing only her jeans and a bra she walked to her big picture window pulling back the thick
black curtain that hung over it blocking out any sunlight from breaking through. The window started a foot or two
below the ceiling line and stopped a foot or two before the floor. This window being the main reason she chose to
live here in this studio apartment not only that the view she had of the city below. She saw the street lamps
casting their glow down onto the wet pavement,the lights of the buildings illuminating the skyline giving it shape
along the horizon,the storm was rolling off in the distance the lightening furiously lighting up the night sky.
Not only did Silver need to feed tonight she also decided she was going to search for some self satisfaction
she felt that she deserved it tonight,that was if she could manage to stay in the club long enough before
trouble started. She turned away from the window walking over to her closet to find some clothes as she did so
there was a small meow at her door. She walked over to the door and opened it as she did a little black and white cat
entered the room,its fur was a little damp from the rain."You have any success out there today Ty?,"Silver asked the
cat as its form began to change revealing a year old black and white tiger."Life couldn't get much better for any other
tiger on this earth you're one of the very few who has the ability to disguise themselves in another form. Hell you ain't
worried all about all that though you live in your own little world,don't you boy?"she asked him as she pet him,Ty purred
only the way a tiger could.

Ty walked over to the bed and climbed on it laying down as he yawned and began to groom himself from the
days adventure,he rolled onto his back and just laid there. Silver found a shirt to put on,after brushing her hair she looked
for her shoes. She found her shoes beside the bed she sat down on the bed and put them on her feet tying the laces,she glanced
back at Ty and shook her head smiling a bit."I sware Ty you have got to be the goofiest tiger that ever lived,be sure to hold
the fort down while I am gone. I am assuming that I need to bring you something back to eat,unless you ate good while you were
out and about?,"she asked him as lightly growled in response."I know theres only so many mice a tiger can eat and you still
wouldn't be full. I'll be sure to bring something back for ya,sleep well my friend."she said to the tiger giving his belly a
rub,she walked to the door and opened it stepping out into the hall she closed it behind her making her way down the steps of
the building.

Silver stepped out onto the streets,she scanned them over briefly before taking a left and making her way
down the sidewalk. She tried to shake the thought from her head of what she was about to do, even though she knew this woman
was ready to leave this earth. She walked a few more blocks in the building-ridden city consisting of shops, restaurants,
a diner a pharmacy,the record store and a couple of tattoo shops that stayed open late. There were plenty apartments and
lofts on other stories of these buildings. Some of these buildings were abandoned and drug-dealers and the homeless people
made good use out of those vacancies. She finally reached the building where tonight's thirst would be satisfied. Leaning
up against a weather-worn red brick building, the deck of a fire-escape above her keeping her slightly hidden from view
across the alley-way from this building. She looked up to the building and her eyes came to rest on this woman's window on
the fourth floor. She took a long drag from her cigarette and then sighed heavily, as she exhaled the smoke. What she was
about to do was weighing on her mind, starting to second guess taking the woman from this earth. The outline of a person
appeared in the window, Silver watched her starting to read her thoughts wanting to be sure that she wasn't doing the
wrong thing. The woman's voice filled her head hearing her nightly prayers which had consisted of the same thing for the
past week. That was her longing to be with her family and most of all her husband, this alone re-assured Silver that all
was still right. This woman was ready to leave and she wasn't taking an innocent life that still wanted to exist. Flicking
her cigarette away as she walked across the alley and proceeded up that buildings' fire-escape as quickly as only as she
could. Reaching the fourth floor she slowly opened the window to the woman's apartment and,she climbed in quietly closing
the window. Silver looked about the quaint little apartment pictures hung about of family members, a few plaques remembering
loved ones fallen in the wars with their pictures and medals they'd earned as well. A black and white photo caught her eye,
it was a picture of the woman and her husband on their wedding day. They stood outside a little church wrapped in one
another's' arms,both their facial expressions full of love as they gazed at each other. This made Silver think of her parents
and, how they might be ashamed of what she had become. She shook this thought away from her head,as she looked down the
hallway where the noise from where a tv was coming from. Swiftly and quietly she moved to the doorway as she peered into the
room a bit,there she sat the woman from the picture. This woman had aged beautifully for fifty-three years from the time of
that photo,she still had grace and dignity about her. The elderly woman looked to the doorway eyes,falling upon Silver,"I've
been waiting for you my dear,come in please."

Silver stepped back having to keep her balance, being caught completely off-guard by the elderly woman
before her. Slowly taking an unsure step into the room which had a tv,a recliner which she sat in,a framed replica of how
Charleston looked during Hugo,a lamp, and a table that was in the center of the room."Come stand in front of me so I can
see you,let me see my angel of mercy who has come to answer my prayers. I've waited for you to come."The elderly woman motioned
to a place in front of her as Silver moved to stand in front of her. The woman looked up at Silver."You're just a child,still
a girl. Was it a choice for someone as young as yourself to be such a thing as an angel of mercy?"

Silver had been looking down,slowly she looked up to the woman with those purple eyes as a few tears
streaked her face as she nodded slowly."Yes ma'am it was a choice to,to take a woman such as yourself full of grace and
integrity in a dignified manner. One such as yourself longing to be reunited with your loved ones but,full of a prideful
admirable manner not to leave this earth by your hand. How could such a request full of longingness and heart be left
unanswered. Yes ma'am you may call me your angel of angel I am not unfortunately and never will have that
privilege."Silver answered wiping the tears away.

"Why do you cry child?There is no need,I'm ready now. I have lived a full life,full of love,children,
grandchildren and,a few great-grandchildren. That's all gone now,I'm all that's left of them all. It's been so lonely,so
please child do not weep for me. I'm not leaving this wonderful earth un-fulfilled.",she said pulling Silver by the hand
closer to where she sat,Silver followed her pull easily."Believe me my angel of mercy everything is fine I'm ready when you
are."she said giving Silvers' hand a reassuring squeeze.

All Silver could do was look at this woman who was so confident in her decision about being ready
to leave this earth. The woman tilted her head to the side exposing her neck,"I know what you are and,you don't scare
me one bit child."

Silver placed a red rose and her upon the woman's chest crossing her hands over her chest,tears streaking her
face as she slowly turned away. She made her way to the front door, opening it stepping out into the hallway. Leaving the
door cracked just a bit, in hopes of someone being curious enough to check in on her. She made her way down the steps that
would lead her to the doors back into the streets of Rhydin. A soft roll of thunder made it's way over head as Silver stepped
onto the sidewalk from the apartment building, to many thoughts running through her mind to be sure of where to go now.
Walking back torwards the heart of town she lit a cigarette not really watching where she was going walking right through an
intersection where cars slammed on thier brakes to avoid hitting her. Making her way down the rain-soaked sidewalk, walking quickly
past the cafes and such she had passed by before. Taking a left at the streets of 9th and Milam she walked down about half a block,
and slipped between two buildings where there was a staircase leading to a lower level from the street.

Taking a nice long drink of her beer, her back leaning against the bar she looked over the crowd of faces that were
in the club tonight. "So Silver you expecting any mishaps tonight, or you planning on a quiet evening tonight?"asked the guy behind
the bar, his hands placed on top of the bar standing on the right side of Silver. Silver smirked a bit taking a drag from her cigarette,"I never expect a quiet or unquiet evening. I just take them as they come.
Besides thats all you can do really Joe, but always be ready for them. I guess that's how I make it through each evening here in
this damn city. It's the way I have always managed to survive here since I was a kid. Anyways what' new with you man?" Silver asked
as she spun around in her stool to face Joe. Joe shook his head a bit with a smirk on his face, "same as yesterday Silv,...not damn thing. So when you and I goin' to go out and
party sometime again Silv? I had a hell of time last time, we need to do that again real soon." Silver looked at Joe with sly grin
and nodded in agreement. Joe stood about 5'9" his body had a good build to it, he had subtle brown eyes. His head was shaved on the
sides and the rest of his dark brown hair was tied back with a rubber-band. His gotee was well trimmed, he had his left eye-brow
pierced as well as both his ears, but those were pierced twice. He wore a black muscle t-shirt that revealed the tattoos on his
arms. He was wearing the same old baggy carpenter jeans and Addidas black striped shoes he always wore,along w/his pyramid studded
belt at his waist.

Silver thought a moment as she took a drag off her cigarette,"damn Joe I am not sure, but we do need to that
real soon cause it's been to long since we have. How about tonight when you get off?" Joe nodded real quick like, Silver gave a bit of a laugh. "Yeah, hell yeah man. Shall I round up the usual peeps this time
or just us this time? I kinda want to hang just you and I Silv, cause its been a while since we talked you know?" Joe said
as he hopped up onto the bar taking a seat. Silver nodded in agreement taking the last sip of her beer, handing it off to
Joe as he handed Silver another beer as she popped the top and started to down it.