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Stunij Temple Main
Stunij The White's Page of Magick
I'm sorry i haven't updated but I've had some demons in the system. I have defeated them though.

Welcome All! My name is Stunij Feanole. I also am known as Stunij The White and this is my Temple of the Occult, Magick, and Mystical Knowledge. My site is to teach those with open minds, and a word of warning: Do Not read this page, then do one spell and say you are a powerful sorrcerer. You cannot dabble in magic. You will be punished if you practice in this way. Remember: Karma works in the way of what goes around comes around and lieing will not be good Karma. This site is fairly new, but i try to update as much as I can. I am working on getting a Dark Magic/Demons page, a page on the Qabbalah, an Alchemy page, and publishing my Book of Shadows to my site. So check back often!

Beginners go to the Mantra of the Wizard Page to take your first step into the Occult.

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