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Stories for Fun


Dragon's Tale - My first story I wrote, it was for my girlfriend Emily. (Final Draft)
Dragon's Lineage - This is a continuation of the first one. (Final Draft)
Dragon's Past - A look at the childhood of Zorr. (First Draft)

Hello story readers. I don't present you with masterpieces, yet here are two, going on three, stories about Dragons. My first two works are listed above. I may not update this site daily, but I do write daily. Sometimes it is more than other times, depends on how much school work I have to do. Well, thank you for your time. Sign my guestbook after you are finished reading and I will be happy.

IMPORTANT 10/17 : Yeah, so that took me a lot longer than what I had wanted. I am sorry to all you people whom I made wait. I think I am gonna take a break from that series and take a different path for awhile. I have another story in my mind I have been wanting to test, and now that one is closed, I think I will start it.
The wind'll blow ya through.
Ya gotta go where ka's wind blows ya
Cause there's nothin else to do.
Nothin else to do!
Gotta go where ka's wind blows ya
Cause there's nothin else to do.

I will also be using this site as a page to upload some of my pictures to.
Here is a sketch of the characters done by Emily.
Here is my drum set. Buddha guides me and the boy's head was from a lawn sculputure.
Here is my room! Yay!

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