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My diary!
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Welcome to my page.
I like pizza...
I have a dog, named Shadow. She runs into walls. Not the brightest dog, but sweet. And hyper.
My name is Cindy.
And I can't think of anything else to say.
Leave a comment on my diary.
I don't know WHAT the llama thingy is, but it's name is Zolf and I like him.
You'll see what I'm talking about once you go.
It's Spring Break!
We're going to Canada! Mont Tramblant. It's a ski resort.
Heard of it?
But my dad isn't going.
He says he has to work on some stuff back here at the house.
Now I'm stuck with my MOM...
She's a bit stricter than my dad.
At least I get to go skiing!
I don't mean to brag, but I'm actually pretty good. I can go on black diamonds, and moguls. At least, moguls that aren't very steep.
But hey.
With luck, there'll be snow up there that ISN'T artifical.
The reason we're going to Canada is because it's one of the few places left that still has snow.
I just remembered something.
Here, look at this...


*Some kids walk into a seemingly deserted town*
"Hello? Hellooooo?"
"Where is everybody?"
*A few people come out of the bushes. One of them walks up to the children*
"Are you...Invaders?"
"No, dude!"
"Yeah, we're just trying to find my little brother."
"Oh! Well in that case, we'll help you!"
"Can you give us directions? Like, tell us which way to go?"
"Of course! This is Canada! There is only one road!"
*Some weird guy comes out of nowhere*
"You'll never find your little brother here! EVER!"
*Runs off*
"Who the hell was that?"
"That was Scott. He's a DICK!"
"Oh. Can you show us where to go now?"
"Of course"
*More Canadians come out of bushes and break into song. To the tune of 'Follow the Yellow-brick Road'*
"Follow the Ooonly road! Follow the only roooooad!"
"Goodbye! Good luck on your quest!"
"Dude. That was screwed."
I'll type some more later, about FRENCH Canada!
