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Welcome to the Paranormal Zone

Hello all! This site is being created for a few purposes. First of all I want to create a site that is informative and helpful to those who are experiencing, or think they may be experiencing, something paranormal. Secondly, I want to give people a place where they can share there experiences and not feel like they will be judged. If you have a question about the paranormal or a problem with something paranormal feel free to email me Paranormal Shadows

~What is the symbol at the top of the page? The symbol at the top of the page is called a Triqueta (or triquetra) and is three interlocked Ichthus, or Jesus Fish. It is a common symbol for the Holy Trinity used in Celtic Christian Church's. This symbol predates Christianity and takes on the meaning of the god Odin in Celtic myth and legend. Today it is less commonly used for Christian purposes and is more easily recognized as a symbol in Wiccan and Neopagan religions to represent the goddess. It also represents the mind, body, and soul as well as the three domains of earth; earth, sea and sky.

~Why do I have this symbol on the page? The answer is kinda simple. The first time I ever encountered the symbol I was attracted to it. I kept seeing it more and more and then I learned what it was and I knew why I was attracted to it. Part of it has to do with the fact that it is "3". In the paranormal world 3 seems to be my lucky number. I have 3 power animals and three guardian angels or spirit guides (more on power animals and guides later). I dream in sets of 3 and 3 is an all around good number for me. I have also always been interested in the Celtic people and the symbol also goes back to my Christian roots and beliefs. I am also always on the quest to unify my mind, body and soul so I can perfect some skills, gain others and be an all around healthy person.

NOTICE:For those people wishing to share an experience please email me and I will post those in a seperate section specifically for sharing experiences. Please do not post experiences in the guest book.Also, please send all questions to me. If they deal with something in the experiences section I will post those. If it deals with something else I will answer them. If I find alot of people have questions I will create a Q&A section.

To other places on the site
Questions and Answers
Vampires,Werewolves,etc. Real or Not???

Angels and Demons

Some other links that may be helpful
South Eastern Paranormal Investigation and Research News and Articles

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Remeber not to post experiences in the guestbook----only comments. Thanx!

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