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I have decided to dedicate my webpage to my gamming nature... and have it as a portal to my world and the land of Earth and Beyond...

I know this sounds crazy but I think that this will be a cool way for me to help other players out and let my guild get to know me better... It will also capture my journeys with my characters through-out the galaxy...

I am loyal to the Orion server and I am apart of a new guild known as Xtream Force. We are small but our numbers are growing and they funny things is... I feel like family with the guild I am in. We ALL help eachother out and donate things that we are not using. (I am SUPPER bad at collecting odd things I find in the game)!!!

As time goes by my site will deveolop more and I will include all kinds of snap shots in the game... Enjoy!


Pick a PaGe

Earth and Beyond
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