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coRruptIng tHe soUls oF thE inNocenT onE mInd at a tIme

tHis is thE ozZman In hiS vampRic forM. isN't he hAndsoMe? sO you Have sliPped iNto my littLe DomAin oF notHingneSs. yOu may Be askIng yoUrselF, "whaT the heLl is thiS websIte abOut?" tHe answEr, my frIend, Is nOthinG. aBsolutLy noThiNg. i guEss, iN reaLitY, it's dEvotEd to tHe maNy bAnds tHat i Like, aNd To teLl peoPle a liTtle abOut ME. i lOve hEavy mEtal muSic, And trY and sEe a sHow aNy tiMe thaT i Get a chaNce tO. i'Ve beEn ratHer unFortuNate lateLy iN beiNg depLoyeD wIth thE naVy/maRine cOrps To iraQ. saDly, It haS put A hamPer on Any anD alL plaNs tHat i hAd to Make a shoW. beFore i Came heRe to iRaq, i waS sTatiOned in oKinawa, jApan foR two yEars, anD not mAny baNds toUred tHere eiTher. i Did mAnage To seE slipKnot (fInallY) baCk in mAy (04) fOr the jaGermeIster toUr, aNd it wAs sweEt, mIght i aDd. anOtheR grEat tHing HappenEd tO me iN maY. i waS maRrieD to mY partNer in cRime, raChel, whoM i haD beEn enGageD to For qUite sOme tIme. aS sooN as i Get soMe diGitaL piCs of Her, i wIll bE posTing tHem

a fEw banDs that I am inTerestEd iN
cLick oN anY of tHe piCs to tAke yoU to the bAnd's wEbpaGe







aNd thOsE aRe jusT a feW. iF yoU are intEresteD in kNowinG whAt elSe ticKleS mY fanCy, feEl fRee tO droP by agAin whEn i Am coMpleTed witH mY sIte

my pIc paGe 

iN thE meAn tiMe, heRe are SomE coOl linKs...

mY liVejoUrnAl 
olGa tAbs 
fOr tHose Of us iN the nAvy 
foR thE bodYbuiLderS 

a sPeciAl thAnks tO sUsaN and anAstaSia fOr alL of theIr helP on mY siTe
yOu guYs fuCkinG ruLe, aNd i'm in tHe prOcesS of buiLdinG tHe shrIneS tHat wiLl be deDicatEd in YouR naMe

yoU haVe to vIsit tHis siTe. so Do it nOw

wEll, tHat'S iT. gO awAy