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Ethic Statement:

The Code of Ethics from the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) was applied to the research project of bioremediation.  The issues of research integrity, use of laboratory animals, and related social questions (genetic testing) are covered under their code of ethics.

The NSPE abides by this:  “Code of Ethics is the result of extensive study and deliberation by the NSPE Board of Ethical Review, the review of the codes of ethics of engineering societies and those of other professions, and consultations with a broad cross section of the engineering profession. A code of ethics is not a static document; its purpose is to live and breathe with the profession it serves. Experience and changed circumstance will require continual review and revision of this Code of Ethics to reflect the growing understanding of engineering professionalism in public service. Comments and suggestions from all members of the engineering profession are solicited toward this end.”