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Kairu's Home Page

3/16/05 - Ok, it's been a long time since I updated. Anyhow, I have some new screenshots up in the Tenmei section. Different shots of maps, towns, ect. Work on the game itself is about 70% complete, so hopefully a decent beta test will be available for download soon.

4/29/04 - Ok Update time. As it stands, I have been working some time on a game, and I now have the teaser ready. I'll be making a link to it on this page momentarily. The file is 2.5 meg

Welcome to my Home page, here you will find several of the character bios and such that I use in various RP's and Sparring forums. I started RPing quite some time ago in a RP called Vampire: The Masquerade, of which I still play today. I also do alot of RP Sparring on a forum called Anime Leauge, i've been sparring there for about two years now. The bios you'll find on this page are the various Character Bio's I use in both RP and Sparring.

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Kairu's Sparring Bio
Daniel Fortunas' Sparring Bio
Aerandir's Sparring Bio
Anime Leauge
Tenmei Info Page
Angelfire Main page

My Favorite things about AngelFire