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                                            J. S. WING CHUN                                                      

J.S. Wing Chun is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of this fighting art. J.S. Wing Chun is currently based in New York. Sifu Santiago's mission is to foster a greater understanding and appreciation for Wing Chun, through teaching and application. Currently training is held twice weekly and seminars are scheduled on a regular basis. While our web page is being completed we invite you to visit the excellent links below for more information about this elusive art.


Level One: This is the beggining practitioner. In this level we will cover the basic punches, stances, and blocks. Also covered is the first form Sil Nim Tao or "little ideas form"and its application.

Level Two: At this level the student will have a firm understaning of the discipline. In this level we will cover foot work,chi-sao, and the Chum Kui or "closing the bridge/sinking the bridge form". Also we will begin work on the wooden dummy. We will learn the first half of this set and its applications.

Level Three: The student will now have obtained the skills and knowledge necessary to be competent in the practice of Wing Chun. In this level we cover more chi-sao, the Bil Gee or "thrusting fingers form" and its applications.

Level Four: This is the level of a skilled practitioner. In this level we cover the second half of the wooden dummy set and its applications. We will explore more advanced chi-sao, concepts, and applications. The student will now be attaining the knowledge and skill to become an instructor.

Level Five: Students at this level will begin the final phases of formal training. This is the "end of the beginning." In this level we cover the weapons. Bak Jam Do and the Wing Chun Pole with applications.

Notes:  It Should be noted here that these levels depart from traditional Wing Chun training. The three levels of traditonal training have been further broken down into five. Although the divisions could be conceptualized in any number of ways I feel this to be the best.

Sifu Jesus A. Santiago

My name is Jesus A Santiago, I was born in Ponce Puerto Rico. My journey in the martial arts world began in 1973, under the tutelage of Edward Rhodes, one of S Henry Cho's top students. In 1976 I joined the US Army and embarked to Korea where I received my black belt in Tae Kwon Do through Sensei Parks at Camp Grieves. I fought in the championships against some of the toughest fighters in the world from the ROK while based in Korea.

From February 1989 to February 1990, I was fortunate to be trained at one of the finest schools in New York, The New York Martial Arts Academy of Jun Fan Gung Fu. Here I completed my first level training.

From August 1989 to August 1993 I trained in Wing Chun under Sifu Aallan Fong who was one of Grandmaster Leaung Tings Wing T-sun's top students. Under him I received a Black Sash.

From November of 1990 to January of 1993 I trained under Self Defense Systems JKD Chief Instructor Gary Dill. I Received Senior level one/Associate Instructor.

On 18 April, 1992 I was inducted in the World martial Arts Hall of Fame for being Jeet Kune Do Instructor of The Year.


Contact Sifu: 718-805-2561 or E-mail below.

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My Old Guest Book


Email:  Sifu Santiago




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