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A brief Introduction: me

Hi, there. I am Jotomicron.

I want to give some information about me. So, here it goes:

If you have something you want to tell me, just email me. I'd be pleased to hear something about yourself.

Pages I currently have:

At this moment, I'm trying to put my conlang on the Internet.
This page is here.

I also have a page with some photos of me. I wouldn't advise you to see them, but if you really want to see how ugly I am, you can see them here.
(I use this page with Photos particularly to the Harry Potter forum I visit. But feel free to access it.)

I hope you like this page. If there is something you don't agree with, some suggestion or critic you want to make, don't hesitate in sending me an email.

This pages are still in construction, so, please, forgive me if you see a link that doesn't work yet.

Copyright © 2004 Jotomicron. All rights reserved.