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My web Site of PAIN!!!!!!!




Final Fantasy


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Here is a game I think you guys should try out!!!!!
Adventure Quest

Click Here to go to a sweet ass game...

From here and down will be some of my short storys I have been writting for awhile

Night of The Walking Undead

Written by: Brandon Hursh

September 8, 2003 8:40 A.M. at my house. My name is Cloud and this is my story. I was going to my little hideout that is neat pretty big and has a lot of stuff in it. Any way I was heading towards my hideout and looked around so no one is watching. I pulled a piece of bark and behind it was a key pad and I put in my passcode and it opened and I went inside pushed the button to close the door and I went to my computer that I have in there and sat down and turned it on. Looking at all the cam that are every where that are wired to all these tv screens. I was looking at one of the screens that is in the sewer and I thought I seen something moving down there. So I stop and took out one of the copies of tapes that was taping the sewer just for people that don’t know all my cams are taping two copies. So any way I grabbed the second copie that there is and I plopped it in my vcr and rewound it to check out what the hell was down in the sewer and got to where I thought I seen it and it was a stupid rat and the people that knows me I always think that there are walking dead people. I stopped the tape and put the tape back inside sewer vcr. After I did all that shnit and I turned off that screen and flipped on my RS moniter and logged onto my favorite character that I made on RS his name is SSJCloud14 LvL 46 mage that has members. So any way I logged onto my charater and went to a party that is a every day thing that never stops and so I went to the party to buy my materials that I needed to go pking. I got what I needed to get and I got off my character and started to walk to the door to my hideout when my alarm went off I was like shnit blah blah blah yackedy smackedy blah
Under constrution

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