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Yes I, Katie, have been learning about html codes and wanted to try my hand at making a web page. Do not yell at me if i do not know how to do fancy things like insert a .gif as a background, it simply means that I have not gotten that far in the Html 4.0 for Dummies book yet.

Hey! Stop laughing!

I would like to see your first try at these things. And please note I haven't taken any web design classes, although I plan to in the future.

So I guess i should talk about me some...

I'm 14 years old and I go to NMHS as a freshman. Making icons for LiveJournal and learning about web pages takes up most of my free time. When I'm not doing stuff on the computer I read books and manga and I watch anime, scary movies, old movies, BtVs, and Angel. Also text based rpgs and other video games eat up my "life" as well. I have an assortment of friends. Shinko, Tonya, Harrison, Morgan, Jenna, Matt, and Zack are a few I could never get tired of, and Shinko never fails to put me in a good mood. Thats all for now, I wanna see what it looks like!!