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- Achillies
- Andriod 17
- Andriod 18
- Blitz
- Cell
- Cell Jr.
- Gohan
- Goku
- Goten
- Haru Glory
- Kain
- Kenji Himra
- Kid Buu
- Mert
- Sesshomaru
- Sonik
- Super Human
- Trunks
- Uub
- Vegeta

A new saga has started. Also check out the battle trainers page, it has completly changed.

Andriod 18
E-mail: Andriod 18 AIM: futuregohan169 Posted On: Friday, September 10, 2004
The site is now open to do everything. I have taken it over. it will be a whuile till i get the links up cu i have a very slow computer right now. and NO i do not nered help.

Andriod 18
E-mail: Andriod 18 AIM: futuregohan169 Posted On: Wensday, September 8, 2004
I'm trying to find more race abilities, especially for fused races, but I can't think of any, so if you have any ideas then post it and if I like it then I'll add it and you will get payed for your invention. The site should be back up after I finish the Planet Warriors.

-Thats it for now, later.

E-mail: Kain AIM: TheBraumaBull122 Posted On: Sunday, August 29, 2004
I know the links are still up on the other pages, but while the links are gone on the Main Page the site will be closed. Fights are the only thing that will be updated while the site is closed. And I don't know when the site will re-open. I need to do a lot of studying before school starts so I will only be able to come on at night to fix the site. Check the Updates page often to see whats been changed or updated

-Thats it for now, later.

E-mail: Kain AIM: TheBraumaBull122 Posted On: Friday, August 27, 2004

Top 5 Members:

- 1. Andriod 18
- 2. Sesshomaru
- 3. Vegeta
- 4. Super Human
- 5. Blitz