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Tal, Gorean. This is my website for RPG Gor, av's, text files, pics, and char stuff.

Pics used here are all over the web. If you see something that is your OWN original work, e mail me and I will give you credit and/or a link. Far as I know nothing here is copywrited material. If you know otherwise, send me proof.

Lo Drusus.
Civitatis Trevis.

Life occasionally sucketh muchly. After several interesting months in Treve I discovered that I had two choices. I either had to "kill" the so-called Ubar there, or leave the City. I decided some people deserve to be left alive, if only because killing them takes too much time to work out the postings needed to conform to game standards.

I left GRPU for 3 months and, after discussing the situation with a long-time Gorean RPG enthusiast, I decided to return. I registered on an entirely different server with a new nick. Drusus of Treve became Bane of Cos, much as Tarl Cabot became Bosk of Port Kar. I no longer have any unpleasant thoughts about my previous bad experiences in Gorean Role Playing. I don't think about them.

Tarns and ships...two fascinations. I took the nick Bane, the name of my Tarn in Treve, and the offline name of a peregrine falcon that allows me the delight of seeing it rest on my arm occasionally. It seemed fitting.

I would have taken the nick Drusus down entirely, but I've forgotten the damn passwords, and the e mail address I used to open the GRPU and AR accounts was closed when I walked out of Treve forever. I left behind no slaves in my own steel. I named my ship after the Free Woman named Solari, the one person I regretted leaving behind in Treve. She was magnificent. I wish her well.

Bane of Cos