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Tattoo Ideas

As I get tattoos or create designs for possible tattoos I will post them here... feel free to comment...

Pentacle with Celtic Knotwork

This is my first tattoo. I started sketching this one back in 1999 while working at Hot Topic....let's just say it was a slow day...I always doodle when I am bored...I have made the decision that every tattoo I get will come from my own pictures from a book...or off of a wall....all my own work....

Celtic Knotwork Shamrock

I was out with my friend Melody on St. Patrick's Day and decided I wanted to remember the day forever. I ended up getting this design (another sketch of mine)while on the boardwalk in Atlantic City...what a great day. Having her there made it all the more important.

Celtic/Tribal Butterfly

This is a sketch I did while looking at a faerie on a T-shirt I own.....I took what I could see of the wings and then elaborated....I am thinking of putting it on my ankle...