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One Shot Bounty

Updates: March 19, 2004

Updated: Novemeber 17, 2004

This Web site is dedicated to my lifes works including but not limited to my Manga: Ichi Shoto Koufukin, my modules I've created on many diffrent games....

From here on in I hope that you enjoy my works of art and story telling. Ichi Shoto Koufukin (One Shot Bounty is an action packed science fiction/fantasy mixed Manga, it takes place in the future and is well about bounty hunters and government conspericies that I've made up.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this first page I'll update with my actual Manga once I get through the first chapter (I can't ever make up my mind on how I want it to look or what the say lol. Well enjoy the rest of my works of art I'll be updating regularly from now on (this was written on: Wednesday December the 22nd while I was in business class supposidly doing a test ^.^')

I'll try and put up some stuff for you guys to do soon, e-mail me if you've got Ideas for what to I should put up at (I am a guy so no pink please)