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My Home Page



Gaia-online, an anime RPing forum
The Lucid Dreamers Guild
Cafe Oro
Trigun Forever-A Trigun Shrine
Kinryouku-An Angel Sanctuary shrine
My lil' MARS shrine ^.^
TTA, enough said
An online comic WARNING: RATED MATURE!!!!![Yaoi comic]
IcyBrian's page, lots of RPG stuffz! ^.^
My Deadjournal
Saiko's Plushies n More!

Domo-arigato for comming! I hope you enjoyed yourself, please come back soon! I don't exactly know where I got all these pictures from, some of them my friends gave me. But if you know who it belongs to, please IM me, email me or tell me somehow so that I can give credit to all the people! And currently I'm working on the site, so it doesn't look too good, so sue me! By the way, Vash-kun is mine! *Glomps Vash-kun*
