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Dear Diary,

Was only one to actually write out answers to homework. Got to point out mistake in his notes. He told nice long story. V. v. interesting. Perhaps will use as Historical Event Report. Asked him if he had any suggestions. He says will think about it. He asked if his birthday would count. Already asked. Also asked if Oscar Wilde's death would count. Finally figured out would not make as very good subject as Cory and co. would constantly giggle after telling about his homosexuality. What a bunch of yahoos. Mrs. Lowe also said that "The Last Alliance" in Lord of the Rings would not count. V. sad.

Mr. Kurtz came in today. Was very sad. He interrupted a wonderful discussion by Cheyne. Puncy old git probably hasn't taken bath since the Second Age of Middle Earth. Ashley C. is unable to take my place. Chris still cannot think. He tries really hard though. Perhaps Cheyne pities him.

Beginning to freak out. Have left notebook at school. What do I need besides a miracle? Tea ... lots of tea....

WHEEEEEEEE! Tonight improved by substantial amount of tea and "Can't touch this" playing. Have drank 4 glasses so far! Every sho nice. Leslie nice too. Lights sho pretty. Cathy not bad either. Erika still trying to seduce me, v. annoying. Humans sho cuddly. Whups. Fellover.

Am still v. upset over whole notebook ordeal. Need more tea.

Am definitely his favorite student of the entire class,


50 days until "The Matrix Reloaded."

Quote of the day:

No quotes. But very interesting.

Take me back to the index!"
