Tirion's Biography

I am currently playing a character in my friends campaign, and I figured that since I had a website, I might as well put up some information about him. Here's a biography of my druid, Tirion. BTW, I'm looking for a picutre of Tirion...if any of you reading this are artists, I'd greatly appreciate a pic of him.

Full Name: Tirion Aldea
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Druid/Geomancer
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Religion: Alomadrax
Birthplace: Elieadale
Age: 175
Height: 5 feet, 3 inches
Weight: 105 pounds
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Light tan

History: Tirion Aldea was born in Elieadale, a large wealthy elven city. He was the son of Glordael Aldea and Shallintra Lindele; both were well-known and respected elves in the city. Glordael was the high priest of Alomadrax; he answered directly to the king, and was very reputable and respected by the other elves. Shallintra was a weaver of fine silks, and specialized in weaving clothing for the rich; however, she also used her talent to give clothing to the less fortunate elves of the region. Both parents were extremely kind to their children, but Glordael tended to be the disciplinarian of the household, while Shallintra used kindness to settle disputes. Tirion had two younger sisters, Lovial (164) and Nirallistra (160). Lovial was much like her mother, for she was a very kind soul, and helped others no matter the cost. Lovial was also very beautiful, and many men have tried to sweep her off her feet, only to find that she isn’t interested in romance. Nirallistra is much more down to earth…she adheres more to law and order, than to chaos. Nirallistra was also more serious, never once ‘frolicking through the forest’ like Lovial and Tirion often did. Regardless, the three of them grew up together, and formed very close bonds with each other…especially Tirion, whom had no other friends to talk to. While the family was very wealthy, Tirion never seemed to appreciate it, preferring more simplistic things over luxury. As was typical of rich elves, Tirion attended school during his beginning years, where he was taught the basics, along with the long history and culture of elves. Although Tirion had a great potential to do well in school, he was never interested in it, and thus did very poorly. At a very young age, Tirion became familiar with the wilderness around him. He spent much time wandering the forest floor, examining plant and animals, and being at peace with the forest. As a result of his bond with nature, he became more and more excluded from society, never making any real friends, and becoming a quiet, secluded person. Many adult elves became worried about him, and suggested that he take part in more academic, or social affairs, but Tirion refused, and they soon gave up on him. One day, as he was taking a walk through the woods, he spotted a foreign elf that seemed to be communicating with the trees and animals about him. Interested, Tirion crept closer and introduced himself to the stranger. After a brief conversation, the elf (Effalin) reluctantly agreed to take Tirion on as a student, and teach him the ways of the druids; however, Tirion was forced to promise never to speak of Effalin to any other elves. After this event Tirion almost disappeared from the city, only spending the nights there, and on the occasion that he was spotted by another elf, he was very cold with them…almost forgetting how to react with other intelligent beings. Glordael was very upset at Tirion’s abandonment of the city, but Shallintra convinced him to allow Tirion to go off, believing that Tirion would someday become a great and powerful druid. Effalin taught Tirion many things, information about the plants and animals, but Tirion was never taught how to use the forest to create magic. Tirion was patient, however, and did not complain. One day, as Tirion was arriving home after a lesson from Effalin, he heard a commotion going on in the city. Not caring, he went inside. He was alone in the house, for the rest of the family had gone out to investigate the riot. As he was resting, Shallintra quickly entered the room with a pale expression upon her face. When Tirion asked what was wrong, Shallintra only told him to quickly leave the city, and never speak to another elf again. Although Tirion was very confused at this remark, he sensed her urgency, kissed his mother good-bye, and quietly left the city. Tirion was upset at not given the opportunity to say goodbye to his sisters, and he wandered alone throughout the woods. He stopped seeing Effalin, and Effalin left the forest to investigate more important matters. Over the years, Tirion spent all of his time alone in the woods, surviving off the land, and never communicating with anyone. Occasionally, Tirion would be attacked by elves that spotted him, but Tirion’s superior knowledge of the land allowed him to slip into the forest undetected. With each attack and each passing year, Tirion grew to hate elves more and more, and eventually hate all unnatural and intelligent beings, believing that they are destroying the simplicity of nature. His driving hate caused him to kill many hapless wanderers in the woods. After many more rather uneventful years alone in the forest, Tirion was surprised by a group of druids, and they quickly captured the young Tirion. Taking him to their grove, Tirion was forced to work as a slave in the grove, toiling endlessly to care for the plants and animals. However, the group of druids, known as the Shadowdruids, quickly realized that Tirion had many of the same beliefs that the Shadowdruid’s upheld. They released Tirion, and had him join their ranks in the grove. Tirion agreed, and he became a scout, searching for intruders upon their territory, and then alerting more experienced druid’s to capture them. Tirion learned the magic of the forest during his time with the Shadowdruid’s, and quickly became a druid. On one of his scouting missions, Tirion found a dwarf and a halfling wandering through the Shadowdruid’s territory. Tirion alerted the grove, and they easily apprehended the two (PC’s). Tirion was given the task of locking them in their cells. As he was doing this, a large group of elves came and raided the grove, slaughtering the Shadowdruid’s and freeing the prisoners…of which Tirion claimed to be one. Tirion and the rest of the prisoner’s were taken to the elven prince, who discovered Tirion’s true identity as one of the Shadowdruid’s. Instead of killing him; however, the prince had an enchantress cast Gaea/Quest upon him, forcing Tirion to obey the prince. The prince ordered the three to carry out a task for him. Although the spell failed to charm Tirion, he pretended it was successful, biding his time in wait for the perfect opportunity to kill the dwarf and halfling, and rebuild the Shadowdruid’s grove…

Complete Physical Appearance: Tirion Aldea is one-hundred seventy three years old, seen as mature, and nearing middle aged by most elves; however, due to Tirion’s exclusion from society, he had very few responsibilities, and therefore acts very childish on occasion, and is young mentally. Tirion measures about five feet, three inches (63”) tall and weighs approximately one hundred five pounds; he is larger than the typical elf. Tirion looks much like a typical elf: pointed ears, fragile bone structure, right-handed, well postured, and clean shaven. His skin is a shade darker than most elves, but this is probably due to his excessive time outdoors and in the wilderness. His hair is dark, dusty blonde. It is long, but it is kept neat, with a braid on the left side of his face, reaching down to his chest. Tirion does not have any battle scars or birthmarks on his body, but does have a tattoo of thorny branches entwined around his ankle. He mostly wears hides from animals that he has killed, but they are tailored so that they do not look barbaric. He wears as little unnatural things as possible, and there is a definite aura of nature that surrounds him. Tirion speaks as a normal elf does, although his voice is cold and lacks emotion. He would likely have a girlfriend if it weren’t for his attitude. Tirion is rarely seen without an animal with him. Currently, he has a shade wolf as his companion, which is constantly at his side. It is black with blue eyes and has a definate evil aura about him. Tirion doesn’t name or talk with the wolf, except to give it commands.…

Relationships: Tirion seriously lacks in the area of social matters. Although his appearance, knowledge, and wisdom are all above average, his personality causes people to steer away from him. All throughout his life, Tirion had only a few friends, one of which was Effalin, his mentor, and perhaps one or two from the Shadowdruid’s grove. The closest relationship he has is with his family, especially his two sisters, Lovial and Nirallistra. His siblings have always loved him, even though he was very secluded and odd at times. Tirion only shows emotion where his sisters are concerned…either when they are merely around, or something is happening to them. To Tirion, the entire world is his enemy, although he especially hates other elves, dwarves, and people that are stupid, disrespect him, behave well. Nobody (excepting his sisters) is fond of Tirion Aldea at all. The PC’s would likely turn him in if they thought he was doing something wrong. Other’s view him as simply rude, cold-hearted, and egotistical. Tirion enjoys using his wit to insult others as well. He has never had any past lovers, and it is doubtful that he ever will, for he does not enjoy commitment, and many women find him to be to serious. He does enjoy spending an exotic night with a woman, but nothing serious or long-term at all. …

Personality: The three adjectives that would describe Tirion the most are: detached, cruel, and clever. Tirion is very isolated from the rest of society for several reasons; his exile from the city, his cruelty towards others, and his affinity with nature. Tirion is a very cruel person as well, although he is not homicidal. He insults everyone and will gladly kill anybody, provided that there was a reason or a reward. He is not afraid of his own death at all…he will not expedite his death, but will embrace it when the time comes for him to die. He feels that death is a part of living, and should not be avoided. Tirion was seldom happy in his life, he was mostly deep in thought about something, and never had time to experience the joys of life. He was happy while he was with his sisters, and he was happy when he was relieved from slavery and made a member of the Shadowdruids, but after it was raided, he was forced to work with the PC’s, and has been doing so ever since…reluctantly. If he found his sisters, he would likely stop adventuring, and spend more time with them…although things would probably not return to their younger years. He also would probably stop adventuring if the Shadowdruid grove was rebuilt, and he would then join their ranks. Tirion does not spend much of his time pondering the future, and has no concerns about it. He focuses primarily on the present and what he is doing at that moment. Unlike most evil villains, Tirion is not greedy; for he is a druid, and gold is meaningless in nature…therefore he does not collect it. He finds it especially difficult to trust anyone, thinking that everyone is out for their own benefit. He is dark, brooding, and withdrawn from the rest of society, making him feared by many children (which he prefers, as he cannot communicate with them very well), and just plain avoided by most others. Although Tirion is sharp, cruel, and clever in appearance, he is deeply saddened inside from his troubled past. Even though much of his cruel nature is from his abandonment by his people, he is still downright malicious, and would be cruel even if he was welcomed back. He is very uncomfortable in the city, and will seldom spend the night…preferring to sleep and find food outside of the city limits. The city laws also make him uncomfortable, for he feels that nature’s laws should be the only laws. Tirion does not mind killing animals and natural things…as long as they are used for survival only. However, he has no compassion or mercy for the death of unnatural and intelligent beings. Tirion does have a patron deity, but does not worship it, and seldom thinks about Alomadrax at all. Since Tirion is a spellcaster himself, he has little fear or thoughts about magic, although he is a little skeptical about where non-druids draw their power from. Overall, Tirion’s isolationism, history, and cruelty towards others makes him an evil character.

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