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Kaytland Clarsinka "Stormy" Wheathers' Other World

My favorite things:

My Favorite Web Sites

Make $ Money $ Online! Web Hosting!
My Draco's Site
Kaytland Clarsinkas' World
My Blog
Go Pop Bubble Wrap!
Wallpapers For You!
Moving? Good Agents!
MSN Messenger
Do You Have The New Messenger?

In continuation of my other web site I would like to give a salute (kind of, I'm not real sure how to do a salute), to all of the men and women in our armed forces.

Not just those who are here with us or those who have already given there lives (bless them, oh, Lord), but also to those giving there time overseas away from their families and friends. I stand up and salute you (the best I can do, so please do not laugh if I fall over) for what you do and who you are, for you are braver than I. May the Lord protect and watch over us all in this time of need, especially the emotionally, physically or spiritually damaged (or those under President Bush, which is all of us really... political food chains...tsk,tsk). Thank you to every one... even those in space (I'm not speaking mentally, so quit looking in your neighbors' direction), the space program, and any afiliates; to the pioneers we have already lost, not just in space, but here on Earth in search of adventure, freedom, truth, liberty, and/or justice... Bless every one... whether you like it or not. God bless!

Sorry, I could not help it... This little guy is so cute! Thanks for stopping by to check out my sense of humor. Don't forget to poke a little fun at my southern friend on your way out. Please, be carefull though... he still has a severe attitude problem.
