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Steve’s Web Page

                                                                                         Major: Fine Arts          

Classification: Junior                     

Hobbies & Interests: drawing, video games, fishing, surfing the net, and stargazing

Favorite drink: Budweiser, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper

Favorite food: pizza, enchiladas with refried beans and rice, and BBQ

Marital status: single, NO KIDS

Favorite NFL & MLB teams: Dallas Cowboys & New York Yankees


Questions pondering:

        1. What is the origin and fate of the universe?

        2. What really happens after death?

        3. Why is marijuana illegal when tobacco kills more?

        4. Why is marijuana illegal when alcohol kills more?

        5. Why does American currency say, “In god we trust” when not everyone in this country believes in a god?                                                                                                 

Last book I read: Amir D. Aczel “ God’s Equation”          

Book I am now reading: Albert Einstein “ Ideas and Opinions” 


To whom it may concern my name is Steven Anthony Cueva and I was born and raised in Kingsville Texas. I am currently a student at Texas A&M Kingsville perusing a degree in Fine Arts. After I graduate I hope to find a job doing graphic design artwork getting paid good dollars. Wish me luck.