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Shinryu Clan Homepage

This is the Shinryu ninja clan's new homepage. Check this out! Now, since I know nothing about this funny internet business, you aren't seeing much(except my nifty color scheme), but, thats not the point! The real point is that soon we'll have all our cool stuff on here. This will include pictures of some of us, our clan's glorious history written down for reading, videos of battles and important deaths in the family, and other important deaths(or deaths that are very cinematic, this is a ninja clan folks, not the girl scouts, sorry if deaths and such disturb you...), and such like. So, keep checking back to see what I've learned about the internet.

This is a sort of disclaimer:

Don't blame us for your own stupidity, if you think you can break that rock with your pinky, that is your problem. Anything you see on this site, anything we put up on this site in the future, and all the above, is stuff we do, it is NOT stuff you should do(or attempt doing). We happen to be professionals in our line of work. We(meaning the Shinryu clan in general, and me in particular), accept NO responsibility for any stuff you do, because, it is your problem! Now I think I've covered everything, but just in case I didn't, here it is, any legal stuff I forgot, is implied here. HERE.

My personal Disclaimer: Please don't do something stupid and get yourself killed, half of what you see on the net isn't real, and the half that is you are very unlikely to pull off alive. Trust me on that one kiddies.

Some neat stuff

a neat little website about ninja movies